Well, this took an hour to make this..

10 minutes to edit, the rest is spent with hus---*cough cough* member selection 😂😂😂😂

2 14

So mayhaps minho has been my ult for a year now mayhaps hes adorable mayhaps this video attacked me more then it should have and mayhaps i nEEded to draw this oK ... * the song I.L.Y by the rose starts to play* 😂

0 3

OMG,l got tagged by .my love😘😘🥰🥰you are awsome.
and myFavorite ❤️

1 16

福山でもついに新型コロナ感染者が出て、いつ 開けるか先が見えなくなってきたので……そんな世の中だからこそ、あえて自分が好きな を挙げてみたり(^^ゞ
今更ではありますが、梟丸が大好きなのは シリーズなのだ!(๑>◡<๑)

7 17

Oh hey look my Favorite Podcast Character! And Martin :)
Limited color palette so uh odd color for Martin buuuut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5 15

It's Eevee, my favorite Pokémon !

0 1

The Beatles - Oh! Darling (2019 Mix / Audio) https://t.co/tRRXYF07Ba より


5 27

In an effort to clear my mind and center myself, I took a little art break from the news.

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“Nothing lasts forever - not even our worries. ”- Arnold H. Glasgow

Jacek Klucznik © - My worries

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