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Clash Royale - PEKKA Playhouse Illustration PEKKA Butterfly
Supercell art team: Creative direction by Brice Laville Saint-Martin
Ocellus Art team: Rough composition, Color, GIF and Final polish
octoling with "ocellus" false eyes... maybe inspired by SQ from #gnosia. #Splatoon2
What are the 4 MLP characters that best describe your personality? here it is. Fluttershy: I am shy, but good. Big McIntosh: I'm a guy with few words. ocellus: I'm smart. sand bank: I am good to be around.
@derpX1_art https://t.co/Me9J21wLDj
東京ツキノ会 第2番隊「Procellarum」
文月 海 2番隊副隊長「ガテン屋」
霜月 隼 2番隊隊長 「白い魔王」
隼くんはツキノ会ただ1人白衣装。なので「白い魔王」様←ここ大事! と呼ばれる。
東京ツキノ会 第2番隊「Procellarum」
水無月 涙 遊撃隊副隊長 「cat」
神無月 郁 遊撃隊隊長 「knight 」
Be With Me (I & II) {art}
By altocello
Not one but TWO versions of the same work!
Be With Me {art} by altocello - Star Wars Sequel Trilogy https://t.co/7UdfbXjb15 via @ao3org
Look at it on AO3 and give her kudos!
Just You {art} by altocello - Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
https://t.co/0BOEqFL2LV via @ao3org @altocello
"Can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours. Just you."
Leave kudos on her art on AO3!
També està bé deixar de fer ocells un dia... però només un! no fotem! Al @ZooBarcelona en farem un ús que resultarà força interessant! #Libellula_fulva
ocellus weeeee !! I should probably buy a sketchbook that’s worth more than $3 #oc #originalcharacter #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
Thinking of doing a Spring Student Six Series after making Easter Gallus and now Ocellus with snails.
I made this commission a while ago, in it I researched each character, read each story and chose the best visuals to assemble the drawing, I was very interested in the cellbit RPG in that period, should I take a look at it?
#ordemparanormal #rpgdocellbit
@sbarra_anthony Ocellus: He’s doing fantastic!
Gallus: We’ve been keeping an eye on him while he explores these ruins!
@Breenlander here's a little sketch that shows the ocelli crown and triple mandibles a bit more clearly, they also haven't shaved for a few days here. Forward facing eyes having evolved as a pursuit predator, kinda referencing an ogre spider
Moltes gràcies a @AlexMascarell per la làmina il·lustrada amb els ocells de l'aula de la fundació Plegadis.
Un luxe comptar amb la vostra col·laboració!!! @ZooBarcelona @AlexMascarell
Comencem a posar en pràctica la identificació dels ocells que visiten el nostre institut, amb la fantàstica làmina que ens ha fet arribar l'@AlexMascarell. Moltíssimes gràcies! @CRPHospitalet @idibell_cat @Manuela_Rubio
Moltes gràcies @AlexMascarell per regalar-nos la làmina amb els ocells 🐦 de la nostra escola! Els alumnes d’Educació Infantil, estem emocionats de poder descobrir els ocells del nostre entorn! #ocells #animalsquevolen #unitatdindagacio #projecte #descobertadelentorn