This one also goes really hard.

It's part of the "Pompabears" collection, created by @/freamhipstro:

25 996

Not much of a fakemon designer but I DESPERATELY NEED Quaxly’s evolution to have a pompadour

1267 8301

I bet the duck gets a pompadour

0 1

Give a duck a pompadour, win my everlasting affection

21 70

manifesting a big pompadour for the Quaxly evolution

24 89

YEAH QUAXLY VERY CLEARLY HAS THE POMPADOUR!!! I think people are just saying its those hats because of this part? thinking that it's like the side of a hat???? Maybe? (Even tho it's the end) and somehow they saw Coldumbus' hat (??????) what the fuck indeed

0 0

why the duck got a pompadour

12 79

If this duck doesn’t get a pompadour as they evolve then I’m going to throw a fit.

0 8

love the new Pokémon gen 9 starters: cat grass, fire dino, & duck with a pompadour

3 17

If this young man doesn't get a pompadour by his 3rd evolution I DON'T WANT HIM

0 21

if the duck has a pompadour I'm taking them. I'm imagineing them to evolve like this

0 1

btw if this mf isn't named pompaduck I am rioting

0 4

I love all of these new I can't decide between the cute kitty cat or where I usually pick the cool looking lizard starter or the duck with the sick pompadour. I haven't picked a water starter since X&Y so....

0 2

if he doesn't have a pompadour at some point I refuse to believe GameFreak is made up of humans

0 2

personally i think they missed out on not naming this lil guy pompaduck

0 8

...This is the first thing that came to mind. LOL

Also that hair... I thought it has a pair of closed eyes on it! It also kinda looks like a Japanese pompadour. Maybe it will evolve into a delinquent-like Pokemon in a similar style to Pangoro.

1 17

I'm torn between Grass Kitty & Pompadour Duck

2 25

The companion piece to my earlier tweet (also 1750 by Boucher for Madame de Pompadour) is “The Interrupted Sleep”. Here, a young lover (the recipient of the letter?) awakens the shepherdess by tickling her nose with straw. Not sure what to love? I’ll make it a🧵. (1/5)

4 32

Francois Boucher painted the magnificent “The Love Letter” (1750) for Madame de Pompadour, chief official mistress to Louis XV. The two idealized shepherdesses tie a letter round a carrier pigeon’s neck. I wonder if the recipient will be pleased?

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