The New York Times Magazine's Ben Grandgenett takes us through its design and tech issue

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Kisses for Grandma! A heartwarming by Melanie Grandgirard

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Un día de estos quiero dibujar a esta señorita (Valkyrie Randgris, Ragnarök Online)

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Daniel Radcliffe with fans (#RosencrantzandGuildensternareDead)

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Early in his career, Goldberg even designed theatrical costumes, here for "Servant of Two Masters"

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Unicel Prefabricated Freight Cars, Pressed Steel Car Company, 1949-1950

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Don't miss "A FIRST LOOK @ THINGS" tomorrow at

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Discover Vargas' in the Vortex on May 27th! Win 4 Gems, a Sphere & more!

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一番好きなu'sの曲はmusic S.T.A.R.Tだけど一番好きな衣装はnobrandgirsだなー((´∀`*))

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