Orange rabbit
Minty rabbit
Saluki (comes with paper doll style ref)

1 1

h-hello i would love a chance to buy art of my saluki black dog fae 👀

25 118

me and grayson are reviving the wow dog au and i made saluki jaina and ...... i lov her..................

3 13

Introducing Daenerys Salukiborn of Breed Barkaryen, First of Her Name, the Unbarked, Queen of the Akitas and the First Dogs, Pawleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Leads and Mother of Dracorgis... good job they doubled the tweet length really. Will she win the

0 3

Editorial illustration of big dogs, a boxer and a saluki at puberty. 思春期の犬達。ボクサーとサルーキのイラストです。雑誌用に。

0 2

⁩ watercolour pencils of Rosie our Saluki on a windy day! ⁦⁩ ⁦

4 15

Saluki mama's siblings! Queen pashamina and Prunella the coyote!

7 57

Here’s my pretty Saluki girl💕💋

0 0


1 10

concept of what i might look like as a Saluki type dog like Rita from Oliver and Company. I love dog designs that have ears that are designed to be hair XD tho this design has floofy bangs where i do not

0 2

my saluki in my outfit today! she's super cute to draw 💕

50 526

my friends and I were talking and if I ever used a fursona again, it'd prolly be a saluki lol

109 1057

$25 usd
Saluki dog female auction, more information:

1 10

Grandmama Luna! Shes the grandmother of my saluki sona Timmy!

3 23

More arts of mama saluki!

4 49