One smol angry fluff

Preview of Seox for my eternals charm set...!

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Update 2, Just as promised its time for Seox's turn for the spotlight! You can preorder him here 😉🌟✨

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back to drawing food/drinks!!!!! starting with seox's drink with the adorable straw

11 159

welcome to my crew,シス/seox !!

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i wasn't aware of seox character gimmick with his mask and it Broke me

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congratulations seox... i love u

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A new Seox skin, Mask Bleu Clair, is now on sale as well!

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yearly "uncle cygames wont give seox a summer skin so i will draw one for him until they do" ritual

108 163

flustered seox gives me life and so i doodled and colored him,,, even though i suck at coloring and lineart is hard

Cygames pls give us more flustered seox !!!

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Bonus that seox in the corner that I’m proud of

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seox gives me big uwu vibes ah

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kofi comm for an anon!! I'm so sorry for the wait but at least we got seox in the most recent event!

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Blushy blushy seox....I love you

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ive also ripped the seox cg! in full hd!!! the rest incoming...

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