Lunch break? Here is Shinji Ikari...Asuka will be done by end of week(If I dont procrastinate)...ok bye 🖤😶

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by Day 13: Shinji Ikari
I mustn't run away. I mustn't run away. I mustn't run away.

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Connected ❌ soul
for my 2k ok instagram! If you wanna participate go ahead and check my post there💞

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this old ass illustrator is everyones fave!!! like legit everytime i do prints of it, it solds out in minutes lmao

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Rei Ayanami fanart!! Evangelion is my favorite anime sorry for never drawing anything from it 💔💔

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Commission WIP: Evangelion Trio. This has been quite a long process since I keep on postponing stuffs 😅

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