Я очень долго не хотел это выкладывать в тви, но меня попросили

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6/13 Happy Birthday Sebastian!!🎂🎉 

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Horror themed charms I made. I have them up for order on my Etsy until July 1st. https://t.co/vluNZGPB5g

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Five years ago I made a fan art of the keeper from The evil within game and I decided to draw him again.
I've never played the game but I'd like to some day...
Hope you like it😊

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A more painterly throwback today :D This one is Sebastian Castellanos from The Evil Within, which is one of my favourite games! It got me back into gaming a few years ago and I owe it a DEBT

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Арт немного по визину х)

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Might as well post the other paintings.

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