
23 130

Send me something that is AMONGUS to draw NOWWW!!
I still feel like imma cry

4 36

white parasite form

most ppl go the biblically accurate angel look, but i didn’t know how to recreate it in among us so other ppl probably did it better.. just pretend that his true parasite form is impossible to comprehend LOL

59 324

sighhh.. give me beans to draw. ( simple beans!! )

16 202

hai guys i was gonna do more impostor character redesigns but i havent gotten to them yet bc i havent had much motivation to draw recently </3
heres jorsawsee tho bc i did them the other day :3

art tag:

9 34

English:-)「Do you also have a watering job? Fufu, let's do it together」

23 110

Hes such a moron i love him (human maroon maybe possibly inspired by the one @//hueblv tee hee)

7 19

Black and White dropping an album holy-

1 6