画質 高画質

one of my fav airport tofus

67 116

180405 airport mom jinki

87 136

I missed you so much. 너무 보고싶었어.

108 152

Esto es lo que yo ví en las fotos del aeropuerto 💚❤️💖💛

218 312


439 883

-mysterious, cheerful, ball of positive sunshine
-doesnt know why he needs to build a carnival, just does
-carries tons over his shoulder but never gets tired
-trips while carrying heavy materials
-has 0 aesthetic so everything he makes is really tacky whoops

7 52



3 17

素敵なフォロワー様に捧げたみにゅです♡( ㅍ_ㅍ )♬(⌒▽⌒)♡

15 43

minho shouted Jonghyun hyung & cried
onew is crying
key is crying
shawols is crying


255 354


0 3

A dos días de el aniversario luctuoso de nuestro Jong. Hay que tener valor y coraje para pararse en el escenario después de tan poco tiempo de una perdida irreemplazable. Gracias SHINee!

845 880

We will do our distribution during dome tour concerts. Due to goods distribution are forbidden around the stadium, we will distribute name pins and transparent cards slightly away from. Please keep follow our SNS account for further information.

251 454