画質 高画質

Carthage entered in war with Phazania so we will defeat and conquer them in order to make us more friendly with Carthage and use them to defeat Mauritania and Siracuse.
We maybe invade Creta.

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Casi 3 semanas pero creo que esta bien como para ser la primera vez que hago una caminata completa.#animationpractice

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"How will we know where to start digging?"

"Our clue is crusted on the pages of your books, Beta... salt."

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It's night time and I'm drawing furry Ceta.

What has my life come to

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The one thing I've really missed from Photoshop (I haven't used it since v5.5, mind) is magnetic selection. Krita brings this valuable tool on board in version their 4.3 beta. Run it along the edge and press enter, or tap on spots until you return to the first spot.

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Todos me trataban como un alíen, así que decidí irme a mi propio planeta...

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Z połączenia Waszych mocy powstał on - KAPITAN PLANETA.

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El primer fue el osito y el último un cómic :") así que dejo una viñeta.

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Looking at some old drawings I found one of Vegeta. Maybe this is truly why I relate to him, because I too feel like I'm always playing catch up to better, more talented artists. But that wont stop me from working towards my goals. I'm also kind of a jerk lol

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Monna Vanna (1866)

by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Tate Gallery, London

Note: Rossetti originally called the picture Venus Veneta.
After the picture was finished he changed the title
to Monna Vanna, denoting a 'vain woman', a name taken
from Dante's Vita Nuova.


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Galera, me surgiu uma pequena dúvida aqui...
Como já devem saber, o tema desse meu desenho é Casino Royale, então decidi colocar os naipes do baralho na imagem da silhueta.
Testei também na imagem principal e também fiz uma mescla das duas.
O que acham, ficou legal em todas?

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If flamingo pink avocados were a thing, instagrammers would be all over them! Created using beta.

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💥 Le 8 mai 774 : NAISSANCE DE VEGETTO, la fusion de Goku et de Vegeta.

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Reggie was the first to take the Darkling power, he began this story as evil.
But then he switched sides, eventually turned good and become the fan favourite only for him to turn to darkness again when times became too tough.
Reggie’s not Sasuke,
Reggie’s Vegeta.

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Poetisa cuenta la historia de una espada a la que su creador dio vida, y su paso por muy distintas manos hasta llegar a las de Len, un joven noble a punto de convertirse en samurái en una época en la que su casta se está volviendo obsoleta. ¿Cómo llegó a sus manos aquella espada?

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Dakon is a mix of Ohma, Kiryu, and Vegeta. Mostly he is self taught and can switch his style to adjust to his opponent. Vegeta is his teacher so Dakon stole a few moves from him to perfect his fighting style.

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Ep, i dada important: els sis volums digitals de la meravella còsmica "Univers!" (relats de ci-fi interconnectats) estan disponibles en català! Al seu dia havia comprat els primers, però sóc un desastre i no sé on els tinc; de manera que ahir vaig comprar la col·lecció completa.

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Oh hi my webcomic updated yesterday!! It’s finally reaching it’s 3rd layer of meta. A shojo comic in a shojo comic. Still, There are more layers..... how intriguing/mysterious? (Not at all, but read it anyway cuz it’s fun) https://t.co/TkdKOd9vhQ

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