画質 高画質

The sweet ditsy blonde girl named Wendy and Meets the rough n' tumble goth girl named Lindel.

5 69

I drew a ditsy blonde whose is Lindel's next door neighbor. I haven't decided a name for her yet.

8 51


Faltam exatos 2 meses para a estreia de - Os Crimes de Grindelwald.

126 470

[R] Sachiko by Lindely

0 7

[OC] Lin by Lindely

0 5

[R] Tetsumi by Lindely

2 4

We went to Hot Topic today and I found this cool outfit, so I wanted to draw Lindel wearing that ourfit.

4 31

Glorfindel diğerlerinin kaçmasını sağlamak için öne çıktı ve Balrog'la dövüştü. Balrog'u karnından yaraladı. Balrog aşağı düşerken Glorfindel'ı uzun altın sarısı saçlarından yakaladı ve ikisi birlikte Kartalların Yarığı olarak adlandırılan yere düşerek öldüler.

3 20

Celebrating 70 Years of the Youth Libraries Group, Manchester's new UNESCO City of Literature status and reappraising Enid Blyton's indelible mark on the world of children's books and reading, the 2018 is fast approaching! https://t.co/FtihN0vI5T

16 44

영화 개봉까지 70일 남은 기념으로 베이비 니플러를 그려봤어요~😉

43 56

一个老头kiss gif😘😘😘

29 72

Grindel is a rare "white" dragon (actually a leucistic blue dragon) who eventually befriends the protagonist gnomes https://t.co/SaPIZllKEM

12 72

[Gift] Lani x Nuna by Lindely

2 5

Doodled my idea for a Donut facecanon yesterday... I think im going to go with it???

0 1


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