//=time() ?>
"You are more for me then just a friend."
Game 🎮: #HorizonZeroDawnPC
#PerspectiveGainedVP #HorizonZeroDawn #BeyondTheHorizon #Aloy #VirtualPhotography #AestheticMotion #HZD #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #ArtisticofSociety #HZDPhotoMode
• Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice • ReShade •
click to see full images & ❤️ (or not)
Garfield's OUR friend! If anyone's gonna kill him, it should be us!
#fanart #akira #garfield #imsorryjon #otomo #manga #comic #kaneda #powerbike #motorcycle #lazer #scifi #retro #meme #red #action #animation #jon #Action
【お仕事】RADIOTOMO!内番組「ちゃっと☆ま~けっと」にてご出演の声優のお二人、浦尾岳大さん( @wokeke8 )と菊池勇成さん( @kikuchitakeru )のSDキャライラストを担当させていただきました!どうぞよろしくお願いいたします☺️
Some stuff I did for Halloween in the furotomo server! I’m working on a big piece with more ocs 🎃
So, after being enchanted by the work of @svid_vp, I had to experiment those shaders on #ResidentEvil3
Then @shinobi_space hyped me so much with his fantastic shots of @MortalShellGame
#Gametography #VGPUnite #GamerGram #TheCapturedCollective #ArtisticofSociety #ThePhotoMode
Some nice Alien Traveller faces from the Nexus! 🥰👽🐱🐸 Part 1
#NoMansSkyORIGINS #NoMansSky #Gametography #VirtualPhotography #PhotoMode #screenshot #VGPUnite #TheCapturedCollective #pcgaming #GamerGram @505_Games @NoMansSmile @NoMansPics @hellogames @NoMansSky @_GameScreenshot
‘May your survival be long. May your death be swift.’ 💪🏻🔨
Game: #TheLastofUsPartII
Developer: @Naughty_Dog
Tap to enlarge ⤵️
#TheCapturedCollective #SVP #GamerGram #VirtualPhotography #TLOU2 #Abby #PhotoMode #PS4share
Easy one.
@.koyoriin https://t.co/P4P6ATR5tz
Aloy (Part 2) 📸🎮
Game: #HorizonZeroDawn
Platform: #Ps4Pro
#PS4share #PSBlog #Virtualphotography #Gametography #Photomode #Playstation4 #TCCPortraits #TheFramedShare #TheCapturedCollective #VGPUnite #GamerGram
Tap To Enlarge ⬇️
@ohakyn Je connais, c'est un hentai. Outre le caractère pornographique, l'animation est impressionnante. Le réalisateur a fait « Mezzo Forte » le court-métrage « Presence » pour le film « Robot Carnival » avec la présence de Katsuhiro Otomo.
Enjoying another blue period!
'Time and Tide...' original oil on canvas, 40x40cm. Visit my online painting, sculpture and photomontage galleries> https://t.co/9dYyBNIjiw
Dir.Hiroyuki Kitakubo
Story by Katsuhiro Otomo