画質 高画質

perfect. that's the face i wanted to see

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With a calm, gentle voice, Axis OG36 is a perfect candidate for folk and ballads!

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haha making gui for like 3th time in my life... it still feels like dark sorcery lmao

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Caius Ballad commission WIP. His sword is going to be a mega challenge to paint.

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左すれば囁く 棘のように…。(鉛筆画をデジタル彩色)

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Arthur Rackham - Clerk Colvill and the Mermaid for British Ballads

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Here is a relaxing arrange from this album which is also my favorite one! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) 【東方Vocal/Ballad】 花ノ香 「R-Note」 https://t.co/JDay2HsPMI

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With a calm, gentle voice, Axis OG36 is a perfect candidate for folk and ballads! https://t.co/T0hqJfE2IB

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ソロシンガー巴山萌菜としての初CD音源となる♪アニソンカバーCD『#もなリク ~ballads~&~emotions~ 』WEBショップ&ライブ会場にて発売中☆彡東京&大阪ワンマンライブのチケットの追加販売は明日が最終〆切です**

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With a calm, gentle voice, Axis OG36 is a perfect candidate for folk and ballads!

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ボルテージ、「恋アプブロマイド×ファミマプリント」 1 月 19 日より「ファミマプリント」にて販売開始 第 1 弾は『天下統一恋の乱 Love Ballad』から全14種 - https://t.co/MTsldShO5f

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[HD PICS] 161211 XIA Ballad&Musical Concert with Orchestra vol.5 (8)
(Cr Mymybuchu)

39 53

A pair of pear-shaped dragons for ! The Ballad of Nessie was an adorable Disney short. ❤

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Always loved Disney's Ballad of Nessie <3 lovely picture done by my friend , thank you so much :3

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Ballad Selection聴きながら、PVとかメイキング見ながら、ライブに想いをはせながら、きびしい現実をなんとか歩いてるけどもうまたライブ行きたい…あのきらめきの中に溶けたい…はあ…キンキさん大好き!!!

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Many thanks to Releska for the great translation as always <3! 【東方Vocal/Traditional Ballad】 「幻想萬歳楽」 「凋叶棕」 【ENG Subs】 https://t.co/CUN9BFhERS

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Ballade Selection届いたよー♡

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KinKi Kids「Ballade Selection」
発売おめでとうございますヽ( Ő∀Ő )ノ゚ひゃふー♫

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