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Ivara for my friend Vandal! I gave her a small John Prodman, because his ship is filled with Prodman posters lol
hitsu-san skin <3

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todos dibujando a Rubik y Vandal muertos, pero yo quise dibujar esta hermosura de equipo dios,,

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Understand the concept of vandalism

5 51

Also este vandal con ojos bellos me gusto asi k le puse fondo y aka lo dejo. xP

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1981 6230

De is MVvdWeek in vandaag.
Terwijl het boerenland in rap tempo verandert in een woestijn en het aantal melkveehouders sneller daalt dan de grutto (67.000 melkveehouders in 1980, 17.500 in 2017), is de wolf na 150 jr weer teruggekomen in Nederland.

2 18

Vandalo intentando mantener su poca cordura restante en UHC (?

35 325

Vandal y sus compañeros haciendo la macumba:

1 6

Vandaag de laatste fotosessie voor nieuwe 'Oosters Licht' in het Komende dagen de mooie foto-opdracht afronden. Vanaf 7 juli is de nieuwe tentoonstelling te zien.

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Unsurprisingly I'm still thinking about that Truth lore, aka sulky-teen-vandal-turned-single-dad Mithrax lore.

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Wow! 😀 So very cool to be featured with an in the prominent "Vandalism News"! With focus on C64 graphics 💙 they included 3 images of mine (Prowler). Get it at https://t.co/GHtCBgHt7I

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The first real painting I remember seeing and making an impact on me, part of a WW1 memorial triptych painted by Frederick Cayley Robinson (1862-1927) for my old school, now sadly long closed, vandalised and derelict, though I believe Derby College whisked away the picture

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día 3: Lavanda / lavender ✨💜💜💜🌝✨

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My favorite pastime is drawing on magazines and newspapers with sharpie to mess with the images...now I do it to stock photos!

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Vandal Evelynn (nts : make undercut hair version tomorrow)

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