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<新規カード New Card(ON EN)>

[Blooming Yell ブルーミングエール] Shirasagi Chisato(白鷺千聖)

1 4

[Flowing Light 光あふれて] Shirasagi Chisato(白鷺千聖)

5 18

Chisato didn't quite fit in with the dumb but supportive bunch, but she's very supportive too!!!

21 49

do what u happy with twitter user chisatoloveclub

0 1

[Uncontrollable Emotion こらえきれない感情] Shirasagi Chisato(白鷺千聖)

3 5

[Journey of Aspiration 目指す道のり] Shirasagi Chisato(白鷺千聖)

3 4

[Into the Stage's Light ステージライトの中へ] Shirasagi Chisato(白鷺千聖)

3 8

[Friends I Can Trust 心許せる仲間] Shirasagi Chisato(白鷺千聖)

6 15

i like the canonical assertion that aya just lives in chisatos brain at all times rent free

0 3

Chisato escuchate un momento suenas igual a Kaoru

2 3

you and Chisato Shirasagi both

0 1

Arisa & Chisato ''One's Presence''

8 12

Hasegawa Chisato - [Shinmai Maou no Testament]

Sideless bunny suit might be too risqué... right ?

42 257

Sometimes I forget that we got big BIG seiyuus to voice these three.
Ran: Sakura Ayane
Tomoe: Hikasa Yoko
Chisato: Uesaka Sumire
And then when I remember I always fangirl lol

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“people are allowed to dislike things” WRONG!!! not one person is allowed to dislike Chisato Shirasagi!

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