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It's really gonna suck lemons when Karima turns traitor on everyone. These little touches of her signalling she remembers and values her time with the X-Men are very bittersweet to me.

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Here's a hint: it rhymes with "lime scoops."

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This is the flip side of the disdain. Assertions of power and independence are way less scary than assertions of superiority. And as I type this I'm thinking about the problems of respectability politics.

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We can quibble over whether they deserve to die, but Logan's right that they're not exactly innocent.

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Warren continues his evolution into an actual hawk.

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There's probably also a Buddhist tinge to Xorn's perspective on death: existence is suffering, and the path to a form of Nirvana is learning to embrace nothing but what's immediately before you, including your own annihilation.

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Look, North is cool and all, but have you considered the Horseman of Apocalypse at the assault on the Church of Ascendancy that actually does something besides be a mashup of other beloved characters? I'm talking about Kuan-Yin Xorn.

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No big deal, Krakoa's just making an escape vagina.

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I'm still presuming that Omega is meant to be Karima Shapandar. She's sided with the machines, but this exchange feels like a nod towards her history with the X-Men during her less Sentinel addled days. Nimrod just doesn't get how nostalgia impacts people.

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Would you say your truth is... profound and life-changing even?

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Thank you, good night, may Xorn's existential musings haunt your thoughts.

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In 2, is this a Guardians of the Galaxy symbol on tree-doug's head?

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After the reveals in House of X last week I created a consolidated timeline that tracks all of the facts in the book as well as known 616 continuity and informed speculation. I've just updated it to account for Powers of X


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If this Logan, I'm very confused by the "born with brains" comment. Logan presents as a simple guy, but he has a lot more depth than that.

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That's what I was thinking!

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Blah blah blah, Is he literally in Cypher's body or is he a clone, blah blah, Warlock's techno-organics look way more organic these days, blah blah.

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Yeah, I thought the presence of Hydra personnel inside Orchis was bad too.

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Memetic phrases like "Her truth is profound and life-changing" raise my hackles because they always sound like cult talk. If you drop that beginning, this sounds reasonable; as it is, Xavier sounds like he's a recent religious convert.

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