画質 高画質

Page 17
Collei: I don’t believe you…
Fatui seer: Well, it’s unfortunate you don’t
Fatui seer: This will be the last—

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Page 15
Fatui seer: Just keep on running away like the rat you are!
Collei: ……That’s wrong

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Page 14
Collei: (Amber—……)
Fatui seer: You who are unclean
Fatui seer: Wouldn’t it suit you better to remain in hiding?

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Page 13
Amber: (—I can’t let him break the seal)
Amber: Collei! Listen carefully! Go back to Mond and let everyone know the situation here!

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Page 7
Fatui seer: Did you get blinded by the meager charities you received? This world has abandoned you. The only path left is to seek revenge…
Amber: It was you who attacked first… right!? Get away from Collei!

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Page 4
Amber: (—This is bad!!)
Amber: (He’s after…… Collei!?)
Fatui seer: Knight brat, do not get in the way

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Page 2
Fatui seer: (An experimental body that survived after being injected with the Archon reagent? This is rare material……)
Fatui seer: You who are cursed, only that holy power can save you. But you have sealed it away
Collei: Stop screwing around!!

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Thinking about Collei and Amber having fun at the festival together. Babies

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while you are here, look at collei from the genshin manga she is way too precious and adorable :''D

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hi, hello, PLEASE read the genshin manga
collei is my new daughter, look at her precious face 😭

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collei speaking facts 🙃

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Campañas 😍 desos produtos que sementache, coidache e aos colleitar pódelos compartir!
Que non se perda nada 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥝🍅🍆🥑🥦🥬🥒🌶🌽🥕🧄🧅🥔🍠

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Collei is so badass ❤️

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🔥Chapter 12: Unshrouded Resolution Part 1 has Updated!🔥
Collei reveals a dark truth, and Amber makes the decision to save her. Will the knights be able to help Collei rewrite her destiny?
Read now >>> https://t.co/JfFvlH5k64

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Chapter 9 of Genshin Impact has updated! In this new chapter, Amber and Collei are carrying out Jean's orders. They're doing great in their search, but it doesn't hurt to have a little fun on the side... does it? Full manga >>> https://t.co/6DirCGiztA (available for PC readers)

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⛪️Mosteiro de Baíñas, 1500's. Daquela poucos tiñan terras de seu. Os campesiños traballaban as leiras dos poderosos a cambio de darlles unha parte das colleitas e dos animais aos seus donos. En Baíñas houbo un mosteiro beneditino que controlaba a zona e recibía rendas dela.⛪️

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