画質 高画質

Seductive big boys~

53 695

Nocuit arguing with Briq over his decision to let lil boi Zeplin be an experimental soldier, undergoing a procedure that will greatly cut down his lifespan and health.

Zeplin is totally cool with this coz he is an idiot child

2 12

Asies deje de hacer el Fondo qliao y lo deje así xd

1 9

Psychometry..the ability to learn events and experiences simply by making contact with an inanimate object. Though Well is required to tear through its surface to unpack the remnants of time within.

But if used on humans?
It may spell disaster for those involved

1 20

Well lets Mia into his home to deliver whatever message she came with from the boss.

3 27

[ Oc ]
Name : I
— Female | 18 y. | 163 cm. | 40 kg.
— Spicies : Stickman

1 28

Well : Um.. I didn't order anything
Mia : That's not why I'm here
Well : Then whatever you're selling I'm not interested
Mia : I'm your colleague
Well : Oh.. I'm still not interested in what you're selling
Mia : Chess sent me here
Well : Am I fired..?
Mia : What? no-

2 12

The streets speak

Well (the character's name) using his psychometry on the wall of a building to learn an relive the events within the area

3 24

played with designs and now i have 2 new uns to play with

2 21

a russian stickman with facepaint hmm ok sure

1 22