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🔥Chapter 12: Unshrouded Resolution Part 1 has Updated!🔥
Collei reveals a dark truth, and Amber makes the decision to save her. Will the knights be able to help Collei rewrite her destiny?
Read now >>> https://t.co/JfFvlH5k64

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Chapter 9 of Genshin Impact has updated! In this new chapter, Amber and Collei are carrying out Jean's orders. They're doing great in their search, but it doesn't hurt to have a little fun on the side... does it? Full manga >>> https://t.co/6DirCGiztA (available for PC readers)

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⛪️Mosteiro de Baíñas, 1500's. Daquela poucos tiñan terras de seu. Os campesiños traballaban as leiras dos poderosos a cambio de darlles unha parte das colleitas e dos animais aos seus donos. En Baíñas houbo un mosteiro beneditino que controlaba a zona e recibía rendas dela.⛪️

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