画質 高画質

I hope one day I can be like Benny and have my own cool Street Racing Gang filled with multicultural punks... what am I saying?

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Vai sair uma segunda temporada da série de Ernest e Celestine, e eu ainda não consegui encontrar legendas pra ver a primeira 😭

Devia ter aproveitado na época que passou na TV Cultura.

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Mais uma live de desenho no ar, terminando a ilustração da semana passada!
Olha como el(-) tá lind(-)!
Venha bater altos papos sobre cultura nerd. Você pode apresentar o sue trabalho mandando o link da sua ilustração por Sussurro!

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💖 theblerdgurl is a cultural journalist, content creator, podcaster and geek, "parked at the intersection of geekdom and diversity." Get commentary and perspective from the black nerd demographic via her live stream, theblerdgurlLIVE, and her podcast, theblerdgurl.

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Flicking through the guides at the end of each book and they look very clear and comprehensive, really useful for people like me who dont know a lot of the cultural context yet

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Dostoevsky e la Muta di Raffaello. Intro del mio saggio “Elogio della bellezza”.
Per regalatevi la bellezza

Elogio della Bellezza su Amazon ⬇️

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Greetings from me and this fine gentleman. Help with cultural resemblance?😢 Let me see yours in the comments 😊

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Cézanne, Grand Baigneur 1885 / Gauguin, Cavaliers sur la plage 1902 / Picasso, Meneur de cheval nu https://t.co/zo1LZ9pUFb

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the cultural impact of this scene...

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Seguimos perdiendo intelectuales que ya formaban parte de nuestro ADN cultural. Tuve oportunidad de dibujar a José Pablo Feinmann un par de veces para el muy liberal Diario Río Negro.

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These little are dope! Here’s my guy. Cultural references: American Psycho, A Clockwork Orange. That’s all I’ve figured out so far.

We’ll done !

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Alien inspirat baboses i mamifers en general (tot i que sobretot foques i semblants).

No porta roba per un tema cultural, no perquè em fes mandra pensar com portaria roba aquest bitxo.

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the way we started and ended the year with two of the biggest mcu cultural resets

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Tehran's carpet collection at the Saba Cultural Centre under a different light.

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🌸Me chamo Dante e sou homem trans, vtuber, ilustrador digital inspirado em animes antigos e fantasia urbana e cultura lgbtqia+
💮Tenho promoção de encomendas de retratos e chibis no meu fixado
🌸Lojinha shopee: airqlooart
💮Canal twitch: airqloo
Obrigado ☺️

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Dimarts 21 de desembre a les 18 h el Grup de teatre Pandora ens presenta "El restaurante de los 3 tenedores"! I el Grup de teatre La cosa nostra "Música para recordar". 🎭🎵 Inscriu-te presencialment o per la web del centre https://t.co/TEF4nlm6dK 📝

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I grew up embarrassed by my culture for being “different”. Now my cultural identity is my biggest inspiration for my art.

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Los árboles unidos hacen un bosque🌳🌲🌴🌳🌲🌴

Este próximo 19 de diciembre, vota por nuestra democracia, por nuestros derechos, por las artes, la cultura y la ciencia🙌

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Para amantes de la cultura asiática hay un par de novedades destacadas:
- El manwha 'Mamás' (2015) de Yeong-shin ma
- El BD 'Abe Sada: La flor obscena' (2021) de Michele Botton y Pietro Sartori https://t.co/C9dJt72ScN

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