画質 高画質

Super Metroid => Mah first Oddworld => Storytelling w/ mechanics
MGS2 => Game-changer
FFX => Storytelling w/ story

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i know i'm late to the party but here are the games that have defined my entire experience nonetheless

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I am super late on the train, but here is my

There are so many runner ups. But these all hold heavy places in my heart.

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Fate stay night(PC版)

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A bit late on this haha

No hesitation for the first 3 ones. The last one was tough to choose... There are so many great games but I would feel like something was missing if I had not put this one in particular

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(I made one without Kirby omg)

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that's the name you should know

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i owe my life to these games.

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these ones sum up most of my gaming life; honorable mentions go out to all the other Guild Wars games, pokemon games and Crash team racing.

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the most influential 4 to me. didnt know how else to go about it.

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Umm I'm super late on the bandwagon, but here's some of the games that mean a lot to me and that I find inspire me! I really like the game's characters and some of the deeper stuff within them, along with the funny stuff aha,,

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most played DS game pokemon heart gold, I wanted all the legendaries
sly 2 was the first sly game I played, still love it.
same with sonic adventure 2 Battle.
Kingdom hearts 2 will always be my favorite in the series.

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They aren't the top best games in my list, but they are the 4 games that shaped me as a person.

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I'm late to the party, but here's my

1. Golden Sun - most memorable and played RPG series (6 times)
2. SM64 - my first 3D platformer with many hours of gameplay
3. PKMN Gold - my favorite generation and game of the series
4. DDR - my first intro to rhythm games

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Girlfriend asked me to make this,

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