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Dragon Sanctuary page 158 is up! #dragonsanct
RTs and Comments Appreciated!
Site: https://t.co/tTOEVccQKW
Patreon: https://t.co/GsCvyBqj05
Comb Ducks studies (Sarkidiornis melanotos)
Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary,Tirunelveli,Tamilnadu,India
#brushpen #indianbirds, #tirunelveli #birdsoftamilnadu #prasadnatarajan #wildlifeartists #indianwildlifeartist #pentelbrushpen
A new oc reference sketch because why the hell not :3 meet Ajax the Minotaur, the resident blacksmith of Sanctuary
#originalcharacter #sketch
- Team4 -
The new generation of the Sanctuary start here! Helena (Cancer) Sira (Capricorn) Bafi (Pisces) and Vitani (Scorpio) ^-^! Despite loving they all very much, these last few days have been special thanks to Sira and Bafi <3 I hope you like them!
5/16(土) 14:00 START
#ボカフリ #TES_ERG #メテタイ #ぽぷね #みくるサマー #バーチャルポート
美少女ゲームミュージックDJパーティー「TOKYO ERG SUMMIT」#TES_ERG からはDJ SIDE主催のはっぴおじさん @kuchikkii が出演!
Must be lockdown. Had a strange dream last night that I met David Bowie (Not for the first time) in Australia at an Animal sanctuary. Weird! It's Inspired me this morning to do this little Drawing of the ultimate all time Rock God down under. #BowieForever
【#SANCTUARY 参加DJ&イベント紹介】
会場では古参のイベント、美少女ゲームミュージックをテーマにお届けする「TOKYO ERG SUMMIT」#TES_ERG からはDJ SIDE主催のはっぴおじさん
@kuchikkii が出演!※今回は楽曲の権利を有する音楽レーベル様に許諾をいただいての配信となります
【#SANCTUARY 参加イベント&DJ紹介】
毎月レギュラー開催の人気ボーカロイドDJパーティー!VOCALOID FREAK #ボカフリ からはDJ
PIXY @pixy_cf 稲神べるの @belno_INA が出演!
5/16(土) 14:00 START
#メテタイ からは
14:40〜15:20 アツシオハラ @Atsushio
16:40〜17:20 100-200 @100_200
めかつ @mekatyu0328 がVJとして参加します。
#メテタイ #thanks_LOUNGENEO
Painting by @phippsef1 #Space ‘From CSAs exhibition about St Wifrid's, #Standish. My work interpreted the church as a space of sanctuary; and as reliquary of faith expressed in light. I chose to capture light in an orb, echoing the holding of something ethereal.’ #wiganart
ShakaxAioria Legend of Sanctuary ver <3
I love all the designs of the movie 🦄
#shakaioria #VirgoShaka #LeoAioria #LegendOfSanctuary
Dragon Sanctuary page 157 is up! #dragonsanct
RTs and Comments Appreciated!
Site: https://t.co/tTOEVccQKW
Patreon: https://t.co/GsCvyBqj05
@poojaslab The #Etalin Project hasn't been approved yet; your voices are being heard, which is why we need to be even louder than before. As Sanctuary editor @bittusahgal likes to say: don't get angry, get involved! #climatechange #savetheplanet 2/5
They moved to Neulengbach where his studio became a sanctuary for teens. In 1912 he was arrested for seducing a girl below the age of consent. The police confiscated many of his nude drawings. Agony (1912), Cardinal & Nun (1912), Conversion (1912) & Hermits (1912)
5/16(土) 14:00 START
アツシオハラ @Atsushio
100-200 @100_200
めかつちゃん @mekatyu0328
Prompt 6: We finish with two beautifully serene and tranquil landscape paintings by JK. We might assume that the sounds of the countryside are calming but what about the sounds found in cities? What soundscapes do you find sanctuary in? #spacebetweenus #Sanctuary
Dragon Sanctuary page 156 is up! #dragonsanct
RTs and Comments Appreciated!
Site: https://t.co/tTOEVccQKW
Patreon: https://t.co/GsCvyBqj05
Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary, Liberty, MO, watercolor postcard #use #sketchbook #penandink #watercolor https://t.co/4jDG9VubA6
No Blade of Grass (1970) A global pandemic (sounds familiar) forces a band of survivors to leave London in search of sanctuary. There’s plenty of amoral violence but the narrative is muddied by flashback/forwards & polluted stock footage. Tired Western cliches fill the final act.