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Aluneth was a great addition to the burn-heavy Tempo/Secret Mage builds. It's now one of the best decks in the meta. If you want to learn how to play it, check out our guide: https://t.co/PgMl0xvkS5

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Hide your kids, hide your wife, because Quest Rogue might be coming back. hit Legend on Asia with the deck. Check out the deck list here: https://t.co/GbUn7JQThP

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Hoy, 'Rompeocasos', una de las mejores inclusiones para los sacerdote en la nueva expansión, ¿estáis de acuerdo?

Artista: Alex Horley

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¡Hoy en el stream es Juanin vs Kobolds vs Catacumbas! Acompaña al Manco Mayor de Hearthstone en LatAm a, pues, manquear en el Dungeon Run en https://t.co/RZibRnX6tT

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Hoy, 'Bibliotecario kóbold', una de las nuevas cartas de brujo que se han añadido rápidamente a los mazos de dicha clase.

Artista: Matt Dixon

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Bastossavoie climbed to top 20 Legend using this Secret/Tempo Mage build. Surprisingly, not that many people are running weapon destruction, so Aluneth often wins you the game! https://t.co/zrCYOUjF14

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Meati hit Legend with his version of Highlander Priest (with some Dragon synergies). Check it out here: https://t.co/43d8JEIMOP

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If you sell your firstborn child, you might be able to afford this Big/Recruit Warrior deck from ... but just barely. Check it out here: https://t.co/2rqWZlVIcV

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ICYMI: Yesterday we had a list of the best decks so far. But given that the meta constantly changes, who knows how the list is going to look tomorrow! We'll keep you updated with more fresh decks :) https://t.co/dL7dL4WTRM

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A Hearthstone Deck For Every & Catacombs Legendary


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Reminder: We've rounded up nearly every deck tested by the popular streamers from the past five hours here: https://t.co/8P4RTwwAcI

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We're rounding up all of the pros & streamers deck lists in this post! It's constantly updated, so be sure to check it out every now and then :) https://t.co/8P4RTwwAcI

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New to Our Beginner's Guide is exactly where you should start. https://t.co/CInZEj5x5m

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Our writers are working on their own theorycrafts right now. While we don't have an ETA on those yet, they should be out soon.

But here's a question for you - are there any decks specific decks you'd like us to cover? Let us know if you have any ideas!

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An absolute trooper, has already pumped out a review for each of the 45 cards revealed today!


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Final reveal stream with and starts in just over an hour (11 AM PST, 8 PM CET). If, for any reason, you can't watch it live, we'll be posting every new card on our site and social media, so stay tuned! https://t.co/4vNc2iKqhI

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