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Mistletoe in Teldrassil
#Mistletoe #Teldrassil #Tyrande #Malfurion #Illidan #Boss #Alliance #Whisperwind #Kiss #NightElf #Demon #MerryChristmas #Stormrage #WoW #FelizNavidad #WorldofWarcraft #HeroesoftheStorm #Hearthstone #Blizzard #FanArt #Photoshop #Love #Friendzone
Aluneth was a great addition to the burn-heavy Tempo/Secret Mage builds. It's now one of the best decks in the meta. If you want to learn how to play it, check out our guide: https://t.co/PgMl0xvkS5
#Hearthstone #Kobolds
Hide your kids, hide your wife, because Quest Rogue might be coming back. @cocosasa_hs hit #2 Legend on Asia with the deck. Check out the deck list here: https://t.co/GbUn7JQThP
#Hearthstone #Kobolds
¡LA CARTA DEL DÍA! #Hearthstone #KoboldsAndCatacombs
Hoy, 'Rompeocasos', una de las mejores inclusiones para los sacerdote en la nueva expansión, ¿estáis de acuerdo?
Artista: Alex Horley
¡Hoy en el stream es Juanin vs Kobolds vs Catacumbas! Acompaña al Manco Mayor de Hearthstone en LatAm a, pues, manquear en el Dungeon Run en https://t.co/RZibRnX6tT
¡LA CARTA DEL DÍA! #Hearthstone #KoboldsAndCatacombs
Hoy, 'Bibliotecario kóbold', una de las nuevas cartas de brujo que se han añadido rápidamente a los mazos de dicha clase.
Artista: Matt Dixon
#hearthstone #ハースストーンアート
Bastossavoie climbed to top 20 Legend using this Secret/Tempo Mage build. Surprisingly, not that many people are running weapon destruction, so Aluneth often wins you the game! https://t.co/zrCYOUjF14
#Hearthstone #Kobolds
Meati hit #5 Legend with his version of Highlander Priest (with some Dragon synergies). Check it out here: https://t.co/43d8JEIMOP
#Hearthstone #Kobolds
If you sell your firstborn child, you might be able to afford this Big/Recruit Warrior deck from @G2Thijs... but just barely. Check it out here: https://t.co/2rqWZlVIcV
#Hearthstone #Kobolds
ICYMI: Yesterday we had a list of the best #Hearthstone #Kobolds decks so far. But given that the meta constantly changes, who knows how the list is going to look tomorrow! We'll keep you updated with more fresh decks :) https://t.co/dL7dL4WTRM
A Hearthstone Deck For Every #Kobolds & Catacombs Legendary
Reminder: We've rounded up nearly every #Hearthstone #Kobolds deck tested by the popular streamers from the past five hours here: https://t.co/8P4RTwwAcI
We're rounding up all of the pros & streamers #Hearthstone #Kobolds deck lists in this post! It's constantly updated, so be sure to check it out every now and then :) https://t.co/8P4RTwwAcI
New to #Hearthstone? Our Beginner's Guide is exactly where you should start. https://t.co/CInZEj5x5m
You no take candle...and bass!
#worldofwarcraft #Wow #warcraft #fanart #KoboldsAndCatacombs #Hearthstone
Our writers are working on their own #Hearthstone #Kobolds theorycrafts right now. While we don't have an ETA on those yet, they should be out soon.
But here's a question for you - are there any decks specific decks you'd like us to cover? Let us know if you have any ideas!
My last card reveal for #Hearthstone card for #KoboldsAndCatacombs set
An absolute trooper, @StonekeepHS has already pumped out a review for each of the 45 cards revealed today! #Kobolds #Hearthstone
Final #Hearthstone #Kobolds reveal stream with @bdbrode and @day9tv starts in just over an hour (11 AM PST, 8 PM CET). If, for any reason, you can't watch it live, we'll be posting every new card on our site and social media, so stay tuned! https://t.co/4vNc2iKqhI