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Game Status Update Blog Post - Scene Management, New Sprites & Maps! http://t.co/zSOUyelOXS

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Welcome to this weeks Let's start of with what's motivated you this week

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Raimo posted another devlog entry about Kingdom of Ehcilc today http://t.co/PnkrVHZXQq

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I have just done a backer update to help promote on
Pls RT

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The new map is coming along nicely. The updated version will be out soon

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Hello, a huge welcome to this weeks we love you all! Now, SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WORKING ON!!!

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The world of Lake Serene turns against if you get impatient. Relax! Stay calm! It's easy!

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Love & want to be part of a friendly global community, why not join ?

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My 3D/2D portfolio: http://t.co/dOSn2QmCbZ Available for full-time and freelance work

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Please RT! Rapture World Conquest is in the app store! Get it now! https://t.co/sVdkTi0Rcn

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