画質 高画質

putting those together makes me wanna play all of them again, it's been quite some time since i last did >~<

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Associate Producer shares his

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Icewind Dale
Age of Empires II
Deus Ex: Invisible War

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my four most influential childhood games. i'd also include club penguin or the GBA/DS harvest moon series as a close 5th
as creators i think we sometimes underestimate how much we influence the younger generation. but media sticks with people!

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Pues estos son los juegos que más me marcaron en mi vida gamer :

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here you are, Yes I have let Square influence me a bit 😂

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Follow this up with These definitely have had the biggest impact on me.

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my Although there is so much more these were my childhood ❤

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面白いタグを発見したので 振り返りかねてこんな感じかなぁ

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It's tough to narrow down my inspirations, but here I have Legend of Mana, Final Fantasy 5, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Solatorobo!

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My childhood that I still love playing very much to this day

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Абсолютно ничего неожиданного, но что-то пошло не так (очень так на самом деле) именно отсюда:

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Pokemon Emerald
Golden Sun The Lost Age
Touhou EoSD
Fire Emblem Awakening

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j'ai hésité a mettre des jeux plus récents mais au final je opte pour ceux-là <3

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I would have included botw or persona 5 but ōkamiden beat them with its nostalgia

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Is it too late to jump on the bandwagon? It's been so interesting seeing everyone's - here are my four games that have shaped me 🎮

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