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So uhh.... im 4 kinnie.... skunk boy got me good

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faygo is trending its time for this gamzee kinnie to intergect themself in this madness

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an early valentine’s day gift for my girlfriend!!! feat. nanamiki bc we kinnies 😳💖💓

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akane's appearance in her fantasy world just means she's a chiaki nanami kinnie but we aren't ready for that conversation

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coming out as a benson kinnie

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im not a kinnie im not a little kinnie im not

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"Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days
And some days I can't tell if my body belongs to me"

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this could b us but you aren't a kinnie 🥺😔

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I lied... I made it skinnier and I think it looks better now. (Don't worry, I still have the original copy)

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Tagged by may just be having a kinnie moment here but YUH tagging ( u don’t have to do it if u don’t want to obvi UwU )

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not to be a kinnie on main or anything but mikan deserved better

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Hallo friends im Noel!!

Im one of the wiki admins!
Futami is the love of my life and without him i will dei 😭💚💚

Been Obsessed with the stage from the beginning (extremely in love with Yusan)

Im also the biggest Yuuri (kinnie) stan and i miss him everyday

10 20

I’m neneyashiro on byte, take that kinnies!!!! I AM THE ORIGINAL!!

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ravenpaw I drew yesterday bc I’m a filthy kinnie

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ok fine what do these 4 kinnies say abt me https://t.co/wxp11q2sYI

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ok guys what do my top 4 kinnies say abt me 🙈🙈🙈 https://t.co/FW4qYHMbGh

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canon: tangle is a sonic kinnie and shes also gay for blaze

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