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2016: Always wore black, Hair was constantly fried from repeated bleaching, Self conscious AF, Constant feeling of walking on eggshells.
2020: MUCH happier and extroverted, confident, making an income off of my passion, Great Relationship, Living life to the fullest✨ https://t.co/QYU6NGD19N
2016: Very depressed, social anxiety, kinda toxic, gay, don't know what i was doin
2020: Less depressed! Still has social anxiety, DISNEY, still gay, likes Japan, learning Japanese. Has figured out her favorite singer: hitomi!, has good online pals, has BEST PAL. wants more pals https://t.co/BaVCtmFZdz
2016: Fuck. Hated everything.
2020: Fuck. Still hate everything, but less so. Also trans. Happier, despite still wanting to still bash my head on a rock. https://t.co/eSCJuFA96P
2016: confused about sexuality and identity, pretty bad Year, was a lil confident but it's all fueled by rage
2020: confidence has spiraled down to 0, still a rage fueled gremlin and it's still a bad year probably but at least now he's figured it out and dont give a fuck https://t.co/Yf6FLvqvIm
2016: the roughest fucking year, lots of awful shit, panick id'd as stuff I wasnt for safety and comfort, 0 confidence in self and my body
2020: chad, love myself and my body and doesnt let gender dysphoria control me and my appearance (somewhat)
stable identity and good friends
fervent Baptist
lowkey racist
still somehow caring despite those two huge flaws
caring now but without the racism and motivation from baptism
learning tha piano
can math better
2016: god i don’t remember but i’m sure it wasn’t good
2020: chill and goth, more confident with myself https://t.co/zXKQuFxpfX
2016: oh god...... what a rough fuckin year i was just sad and going through it
2020: im gay and cool now but my hair is still as badly bleached as ever https://t.co/sqPrJljc8D
yo en 2016: Que pena ajena da harley quinn😒 eso solo le gusta a las UnIc4as y D1f3renT3s 🤮
yo en 2020: Yo AMO a Harley Quinn ¿haz visto su show? LA MEJOR, por mi que derrote a Batman, joker y todos y sea nuestra reina de ciudad gótica 😍🥰💋🖤♦️ ♠️
#Fanart #HarleyQuinn #Batman
2016: straight, cute, cis...i had no idea what i was doing and i had a weird style for clothes. EW LONG HAIR
2020: Gay, Trans, sad, i dont have any style but at least it isnt pink. i have a new name. new haircut. sure im sadder...AND I HAVE TWITTER FRIENDS OMGGG https://t.co/t2G9f5w1xd
2016: Wearing button ups every day because I thought that was the only way to pass n still trying to figure myself out
2020: Happier because I'm less repressed but still trying to figure myself out https://t.co/N5lpWYirrz
ive been looking samey for a while so...
bonus 2011: whatever that hair was; had a thing for too many colors i guess
2016: midway to having actual grey hair so weird blondes for years, ugly pattern buttonups bc i'm gay
2020: colors who i'm just a shade range https://t.co/vjtz45ox7E
2016: no eyebrows
2020: eyebrows, learning to not repress things, and SOMETIMES I have fashion https://t.co/Bn9vKJuFzt
hopping on this 2016 vs 2020 thing: https://t.co/WiSvSAZkKp
2016: Last moments of a happy gal before tragedy
2020: Fight or Flight, Tooth and Claw
2016: pan cis girl, first year in public school after being in catholic school, always grounded and obsessed with fir 🤡
2020: fuck fir, an okay sense of style, finally accepted myself as bi, out as trans for two+ years, and barely ever grounded anymore among others things https://t.co/zOaTtyShZ1
2016: moody, insecure, sometimes happy but self-destructive
2020: bissi, bissi moody , unhurried, confident, happy ♡
https://t.co/4I0iRyDtzL https://t.co/OsxCuSxim8
2016: a fashion disaster, cringy, a marvel fan, idk what i was doing w my life tbh
2020: super aesthetic person, multifandom, cool, but still ugly, finally learned how to draw https://t.co/CQiw8mBwF9
2016 vs 2020
2016: Dresses like a middle aged wine aunt, hates self, shouts terrible political hot takes 24/7, thinks the moral of RGU is “all men are inherently evil”
2020: A Fashion Icon ™️, loves self, plays Civilization V 24/7, stans Touga Kiryuu https://t.co/XqE1UIYMdI