2016: Always wore black, Hair was constantly fried from repeated bleaching, Self conscious AF, Constant feeling of walking on eggshells.

2020: MUCH happier and extroverted, confident, making an income off of my passion, Great Relationship, Living life to the fullest✨ https://t.co/QYU6NGD19N

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2016: Very depressed, social anxiety, kinda toxic, gay, don't know what i was doin

2020: Less depressed! Still has social anxiety, DISNEY, still gay, likes Japan, learning Japanese. Has figured out her favorite singer: hitomi!, has good online pals, has BEST PAL. wants more pals https://t.co/BaVCtmFZdz

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2016: Fuck. Hated everything.

2020: Fuck. Still hate everything, but less so. Also trans. Happier, despite still wanting to still bash my head on a rock. https://t.co/eSCJuFA96P

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2016: confused about sexuality and identity, pretty bad Year, was a lil confident but it's all fueled by rage
2020: confidence has spiraled down to 0, still a rage fueled gremlin and it's still a bad year probably but at least now he's figured it out and dont give a fuck https://t.co/Yf6FLvqvIm

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2016: the roughest fucking year, lots of awful shit, panick id'd as stuff I wasnt for safety and comfort, 0 confidence in self and my body
2020: chad, love myself and my body and doesnt let gender dysphoria control me and my appearance (somewhat)
stable identity and good friends

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fervent Baptist
lowkey racist
still somehow caring despite those two huge flaws

caring now but without the racism and motivation from baptism
learning tha piano
can math better

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2016: god i don’t remember but i’m sure it wasn’t good
2020: chill and goth, more confident with myself https://t.co/zXKQuFxpfX

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2016: oh god...... what a rough fuckin year i was just sad and going through it
2020: im gay and cool now but my hair is still as badly bleached as ever https://t.co/sqPrJljc8D

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yo en 2016: Que pena ajena da harley quinn😒 eso solo le gusta a las UnIc4as y D1f3renT3s 🤮
yo en 2020: Yo AMO a Harley Quinn ¿haz visto su show? LA MEJOR, por mi que derrote a Batman, joker y todos y sea nuestra reina de ciudad gótica 😍🥰💋🖤♦️ ♠️

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Summer 2016: Spring 2020:

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sandalphon, 2018: lucio, 2016:

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2016: straight, cute, cis...i had no idea what i was doing and i had a weird style for clothes. EW LONG HAIR

2020: Gay, Trans, sad, i dont have any style but at least it isnt pink. i have a new name. new haircut. sure im sadder...AND I HAVE TWITTER FRIENDS OMGGG https://t.co/t2G9f5w1xd

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2016: Wearing button ups every day because I thought that was the only way to pass n still trying to figure myself out
2020: Happier because I'm less repressed but still trying to figure myself out https://t.co/N5lpWYirrz

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ive been looking samey for a while so...
bonus 2011: whatever that hair was; had a thing for too many colors i guess
2016: midway to having actual grey hair so weird blondes for years, ugly pattern buttonups bc i'm gay
2020: colors who i'm just a shade range https://t.co/vjtz45ox7E

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2016: no eyebrows
2020: eyebrows, learning to not repress things, and SOMETIMES I have fashion https://t.co/Bn9vKJuFzt

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hopping on this 2016 vs 2020 thing: https://t.co/WiSvSAZkKp

2016: Last moments of a happy gal before tragedy
2020: Fight or Flight, Tooth and Claw

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2016: pan cis girl, first year in public school after being in catholic school, always grounded and obsessed with fir 🤡
2020: fuck fir, an okay sense of style, finally accepted myself as bi, out as trans for two+ years, and barely ever grounded anymore among others things https://t.co/zOaTtyShZ1

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2016: moody, insecure, sometimes happy but self-destructive
2020: bissi, bissi moody , unhurried, confident, happy ♡

https://t.co/4I0iRyDtzL https://t.co/OsxCuSxim8

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2016: a fashion disaster, cringy, a marvel fan, idk what i was doing w my life tbh

2020: super aesthetic person, multifandom, cool, but still ugly, finally learned how to draw https://t.co/CQiw8mBwF9

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2016 vs 2020
2016: Dresses like a middle aged wine aunt, hates self, shouts terrible political hot takes 24/7, thinks the moral of RGU is “all men are inherently evil”
2020: A Fashion Icon ™️, loves self, plays Civilization V 24/7, stans Touga Kiryuu https://t.co/XqE1UIYMdI

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