TW// Possible SPOILER
I watched the third season of Aggretsuko yesterday ✨

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was so good! Here’s some motivational images that I got from the Fb page.

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I should be working.. But meanwhile, please enjoy this Seiya.

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Tengo el placer de haber sido la voz de Hidarin, la cobayita gris de las en la versión española de Agretsukko temporada 3
Me hace muchísima ilusión formar parte de esta serie

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어그레시브 레츠코 시즌3 다 봤는데..ㅠㅠ이누이씨가 너무 취향캐라 너무 그려보고 싶었다....
이누이씨 행복해야해..ㅠ.ㅠ...

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Reposting some old art I made back when the show first came out to celebrate 😁

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Back when I shipped them. Some old ass aggretsuko art

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Sweet Inui Graffiti

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Yo are there other unicorns in the Aggretsuko world or what?

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