


10/5〜10 produce




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Joshiraku. It's a funny anime but nobody talks about it.

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🌟 (11):papa...?
Butler : Tuan sedang menghadiri rapat dadakan nona
🌟 : Kak hiro...?
Butler : Tuan muda ada olimpiade...
🌟 : Padahal hari ini penampilan piano pertamaku...mereka memang tdk sayang padaku!
Butler : bukan begitu nona, bagaimana kalau beli eskrim? 💧
🌟 : Gamau

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ライバー:海水ト流( )



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"A-ano, bolehkah aku... ikut membantu Will Oniisan bertanam...?" - Shiro bocil.

Yak, lihatlah Shiroha versi bocil ini. Ada yg mau ngarungin Hanae sama Shiroha bocil ga? 👀

Omong2, ini ibaratnya mereka berdua jadi asisten Hanae & Shiroha yg remaja.

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Hehe, hasil DTIYS Abbie versi aku. Mencoba menggambar background tapi failed. Cuma ya udahlah ya, namanya juga progress.


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The sauce’s as spicy as Shoto can see Haku.

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『カラフル!Live vol.5』





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You get a free trip to the waterpark but you have to go with Gattu & Battu, Cera, AND Aku. Do you accept?

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Skizofrenia dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah gangguan mental yang cukup parah dan kronis. Namun tahukah kalian, jika gangguan ini sangat memengaruhi bagaimana penderitanya dalam berpikir dan berperilaku.

Ketahui lebih lanjut dengan simak postingan dibawah ini, Sobat!

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Hi there! I'm Sakuofbread aka Saku. I'm a magical✨ bread 🍞loving kitsune that wants to make everyone feel happy and appreciated. Can't wait to have a fun time with you all! 🥰😘


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Everyone is welcomed onto this cracked ship called EnnoSaku.
(and thus, my rights to judge ships were taken from me)

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My Coworker Has a Secret - Josei - Mushiro

20-something bookshop worker who's coworker discovers she's secretly a 2.5D otaku.

I don't know much about 2.5D theater so I'm excited to learn more and I tend to like otaku manga, plus there's romance, so I'm sold.

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“I’ll miss you guys…thanks for everything …and thank you,Haku.”—Shoto (2/2)

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“I’ll miss you guys…thanks for everything …and thank you,Haku.”—Shoto (2/2)


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Okay, we don't want to become next Azuki now.

We want to become next DigiDaigaku.

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Um bônus~
Tenho uma parceria, por assim dizer, com . É uma conta de notícias do mundo otaku. Além de ter uma 'parceria' também com minhas páginas.

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Twitter do ur magic (bantu ritwitnya yah) ✨ Halo... Akhirnya aku buka slot lagi untuk custom order illustrasi.

Untuk order dan tanya tanya, plis jangan sungkan ketuk dm aku. Terbuka 24/7 buat kamuu 🤗🌷

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