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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society [Original Soundtrack] by Yoko Kanno, is available on @Spotify
🎵 https://t.co/ZXfWLP1SpM
➡ More songs : https://t.co/8Xpe6hIurS
@karmendida @dianadep1 @migliaccio31 @Matibo11 @angela3nipoti1 @erminiopasquat1 @LunaLeso @ValerioLivia @Papryka5 @PasqualeTotaro @EnricoCastrovil @BrindusaB1 @FlaminiMarina @BaroneZaza70 @NadiaZanelli1 @marmelyr "Non c'era osso che facesse cose che gli uomini fanno, le ossa.Andava un braccio, storto,dal fianco sulla schiena, e con un dito, stirando i nervi, facendo strabici gli occhi,riusciva ad ammarccarne uno.
#MondoDiVersi/De Vita
@a_saba78 #arteÈpensiero
G Carelli #arte
Come ogni anno, oggi 5 ottobre si festeggia la Giornata mondiale degli insegnanti (#WorldTeachersDay). Tanti auguri a chi svolge una professione così importante e delicata!
Yanno, I haven't drawn my Fellswap Genderswap Papy in a while. Y'all want me to pick up Poodle again? #undertale #undertaleAU #fellswap
NEWS: #Yuri manga anthology ‘Éclair Rouge’ released in English by @yenpress
This latest entry includes stories by celebrated Yuri creators including Canno, Nakatani Nio, and series newcomer Akiko Morishima (The Conditions of Paradise)
“Superman” narra la storia dell’ultima testimonianza vivente di una stirpe aliena.
Buon compleanno, Chris.
#Illustrazione di @ermi8xyz
#Superman #ChristopherReeve #25settembre #DCComics #ClarkKent #LoisLane #Leggere #cinema #comic #cultura #art
一日遅れで過去絵ですが、チョビ誕を祝って(^ ^;
🎂Buon compleanno,Anchovy❗🎂
¡Confirmado! La serie manga 'Requiem of the Rose King', de Aya Kanno, recibirá próximamente una adaptación a anime de TV. No se revelaron más detalles.
🆕 Arjuna [Original Soundtracks] by Yoko Kanno, are now available on @Spotify
➡ Links : https://t.co/KYzl0nTH0p
Maaya Sakamoto et Yoko Kanno, c'est quand même toujours un plaisir <3
さいごのマメシバ by Maaya Sakamoto https://t.co/w5MJl0Gbhb #NowPlaying #Arjuna
@Osukopycat @camendeer @marurula @UCryRain Jajaja, perdón, perdón
Usualmente recibo ayuda de algunos amigos para hablar sobre animadores clásicos de DBZ. No estoy seguro si ese es de Kanno, creo que estos son suyos
Female Gundam pilots of the Universal Century
Emma Sheen, Elle Vianno, Roux Louka, Sayla Mass, Marbet Fingerhat, Four & Rosamia & Cristina Mackenzie
#gundamgirls #kawaii #sexy #waifu #militarywomen
here they are the twins again and jemma is older by eight minutes of course, (also every1 has a codename they don’t normally use their real names at the academy but yanno,)
The clean and neat style trend in current shoujo isn't bad, but I wish we'd gotten more artists with loose, messy lineworks in shoujo like we did in early 00s (consecutively: George Asakura for the first two, Moyoco Anno, and Ai Yazawa)
@PearlescentRain This is Sakuma Anno, a sumo wrestler who's ultimate goal in life is the be the first female Yokozuna.