<Girl in the birdcage> all episodes have been turned for free on US service. it would be valid till next week. if you've not seen it yet, this is last chance!☺️ https://t.co/7e9OlyoIEa

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Hey! I’m Vince, and I’m a character animator at Rooster Teeth on RWBY and gen:LOCK ! I also had the opportunity to work on AJR’s ‘Turning Out’ music video, and direct my own short film ‘Birdcage’! ✨🌈

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oh right before i forget to post this here’s a doodle from prompt series. birdcage and saturn. the girl has a birdcage for a chest? and a dove for a heart? idkkk. she’s saturn though

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Doflamingo is one of my favourite One Piece villians ^^

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肝好久的圖.......... (暴風式哭泣

Artstation: https://t.co/uxCxpNAmXi
Pixiv: https://t.co/C7ZJkI1rKV

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Started from scratch but I didn’t document the beginning..

BirdCage, 2019 by ME BIH

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SFヒューマンドラマ『BIRDCAGE 108』電子単行本発売中!全頁フルカラーコミックです。順次配信予定なので、お気に入りのストアでまだ見つからないよ〜って方、もうちょっとお待ちくださいね!

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<새장의 소녀> 메인 캐릭터 4인방 프로필
블로그에 테마곡 및 코멘트 추가하여 올렸습니다☺️

38 106

<Girl in the birdcage> Season 2 final episode has been uploaded at last! and there are epilogue, side stories, and creator's note left. thank you all readers! https://t.co/137rBAOThJ

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¶2 - Girl in the Birdcage

De mis favoritos, amo a Chung-Eun. ❤️

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이번주 <새장의 소녀>
EN episode 43 https://t.co/Z4pxPrJsDz
JP 37話 https://t.co/XF0nmNb9zo
업로드 되었습니다!

<Girl in the birdcage> episode 43 in English, and 37 in Japanese have been uploaded!

3 16

이번주 <새장의 소녀> 모두 업로드 되었습니다. 감사합니다!
KR 47화 https://t.co/X4B9qLguLU
EN episode 42 https://t.co/8BlZxNvF6y
JP 36話 https://t.co/h7izQEgv7e
<Girl in the birdcage> All episodes in this week for each language were uploaded. thank you all readers!

6 24

이번주 <새장의 소녀> 모두 업로드 되었습니다. 감사합니다!
KR 46화 https://t.co/VOUAQKeuV1
EN episode 41 https://t.co/3JLwmncdmb
JP 35話 https://t.co/Lhya6hqR9l
<Girl in the birdcage> All episodes in this week for each language were uploaded. thank you all readers!

2 21

이번주 <새장의 소녀> 모두 업로드 되었습니다. 항상 감사합니다!
KO 44화 https://t.co/6B8tZLZakH
EN episode 39 https://t.co/pWAa45JPQO
JP 33話 https://t.co/caeZT0Vewr
<Girl in the birdcage> All the episodes of this week for each language were uploaded. thank you as always!

11 36

이번주 새장의 소녀(Girl in the birdcage)
KO 43화 https://t.co/WryPZuuul1
EN episode 38 https://t.co/Yet8rebMr6
JP 32話 https://t.co/muLSpiZn5G
모두 업로드 되었습니다. 봐주시는 독자분들 항상 감사합니다:D

1 22

<Girl in the birdcage> episode 37 has been uploaded! thank you all readers as always☺️https://t.co/MWQV3d5mXu

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