Tragically, new Rhino counted on this and ambushes the convoy killing everyone except for Aleksi. Oksana dies in his arms and he swears vengeance. This leads to an incredible tense and tragic showdown between the two Rhinos, with Aleksi as the winner.

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Big Convoy, Longrack, Break, Cohrada, Heinrad and Stampy enjoying the soba soup (Transformers Beast Wars Neo)

Happy Birthday Junki Takegami!!!

(This artwork picture was drawn by かなやま on Pixiv)

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完 🎊

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春の嵐が 来た〜❣️
冬の嵐が 戻って来た〜❕
愛の嵐が 🐭いに来る〜💞

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🐭さん 👹から 🪓取りあげる❣️
鬼は〜外❗️ 鬼は〜外❗️

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Sebastiaen Vrancx, 22 January 1573 – 19 May 1647, Flemish Baroque painter, Assault on a convoy

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Lio Convoy! Leo Prime in the states. One of my favorite Transformers ever. He deserves more love. 超生命体トランスフォーマー ビーストウォーズⅡ

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Donovan's convoy is then ambushed by the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword, commanded by Kazim. The dramatic and stellar death of Kevork Malikyan when Donovan shot him suffered a dramatic cut in Michael Kahn's edition.
It would not be the only Tabernas' deleted scene.

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サン🐭❣️ ONE!☝️
今ここで笑って 😄
また夢を見に出かける!ONE! 🤗☝️

ONE! 🎅☝️

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For Christmas, my parents got me a little Staffordshire teapot manufactured in the UK during WWII and sent to the US in a returning supply convoy as ballast.

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Irish Republican Army ambushes a convoy escorting Lord Lieutenant of Ireland John French, but he survives. Aftermath of the assassination attempt:

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Protoconvoy traaansfooooooorm!!!

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ONE! 🎅

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ONE! 🎅

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ONE! 🎅

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ONE! 🎅

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