Esas escaleras son una crítica a la sociedad capitalista, especista y falocentrista en la que vivimos.

0 3

Let the coalescing begin to form the

9 84

Centrists are such a joke🙄

Its not like Bernie said Eat the Rich- he just wants to tackle their greed by taxing them at a rate that befits the ridiculous amount of cash they have

Having so much money that you can't honestly ever spend it all in multiple lifetimes is pure greed

20 73

Aight y’all listen da fuck up!!

It is Super Tuesday, these states in blue are the states where primaries are being held today, if you’re in any of them, get out and VOTE BERNIE 2020

Let the centrist billionaire establishment hacks know they aren’t stealing another election!!!!!

0 0

Baoth is back! This is Capsule Man/Pill Man. Based centrist, both red and blue pilled. Le Docteur!
With help from CardMan#3308 (from the Valochat discord-also on UnstableReactor's discord)
CardMan touched up the colors: replaced a drab green with a nice red, and fixed the buster.

7 20

It’s time for another Bernie vs the Centrist Blob!

3 4

Some of the microbes we see associated with reusable water bottles on R2a plates. I am trying to promote to my students. I find these gorgeous and fascinating. Not all students agree!

0 23

If you visit the US you realise Trump has picked up votes from all the Red Necks and what would have been the old hard union types with his populism. Must of the better educated are what I call centrist democrats, including Micheal Bloomberg. (Far left become hard right)

1 3

there isn't a real centrist movement but we can all agree riamu should be pounded

0 0

Qualcuno dica a D-Repubblica che i “baby hairs” non sono stati sdoganati adesso (casualmente solo da modelle bianche poi). Il trend è nato nella cultura afro-americana. Mai stato un “difetto”.
L’eurocentrismo agisce ancora così: “scopre l’America” quando era già stata scoperta.

78 481

since there's a discussion going on about "bernie or bust" here's what I said when someone asked me about it on my curiouscat tl;dr is it's a meaningless alt-centrist propaganda frame to morally blackmail the left which they always engage in themselves

30 213

Fuck your anthropocentristic aesthetics! We orbin'.

5 60

crescentriseの龍ちゃんです( ´ ꒳ ` )



1 3

TRIGGER Crescent rise🌙🐺🐺🐺



0 3

Crescent riseのMVも最高だった😭

0 1


0 14