it tooks two hours to drawing all the stuff t___t and 123 layers so I'm so proud of the results too hshshshshaahajaj 🏄‍♀️🛀🧖

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2YO woke me up at 5 so I thought I’d share my take on prompt : Kind - Protecting - Beast 🤪 Have a lovely Tuesday you all

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"Don't worry, here's your cake. I'll be here for you. Then, I'll stay here watching you from afar" ❤️

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Im happy to announce that im gonna be working in a collaboration with Joanne Timer illustrating one of her wonderful stories: What's Normal! check out her website at !!

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Aaaa finally my collaboration children's book with the other 30 illustrator has arrieved!! 😍💖

Seneeng bangeet 😭💘 hasil ikut kelas di cobacobaclass sama ilustrator lainnya 🧡

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Publication day. Today these two are send into the world, for kids (and adults able to play like kids) And flowers from publisher ❤️

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