I had to run after Ichigo after she forgot something for school. I just made it, but it left me sweating! If only I had realized earlier!

3 19

If you go shopping when you're hungry you tend to buy more food than you need!

7 31

Ichigo made some cupcakes at the weekend. So beautifully made and cute!

4 19

I'm going make the house look spic and span this weekend! Tomorrow I'm going to make some sweets with Ichigo!

8 26

The weather can't make its mind up recently. Should I risk putting the washing outside or inside?

3 20

Kid's summer vacation is over so Papa has to take over walking Max again. I guess the walks aren't as long now!

4 15

A red dragon fly flew by as I was cleaning this morning! It just shows that summer is far from over yet!

4 23

Ichigo's friend came over today so we made lunch! It turned out really good so it didn't last long! It took time to make but was gone in minutes!

3 20

I'm making accessories with Ichigo. I remember making accessories when I was Ichigo's age too!

7 29

The kids have gone to the park to catch crickets. Oh look!... there's a rhinoceros beetle in the garden!

4 22

Kids are doing their homework. Ichigo is drawing morning glory, Ringo is trying to draw sprouts just from memory!

3 18

Mama loves ice cream! What's your favorite flavor? Mama likes chocolate, vanilla, caramel... ah... There are too many, I can't decide!🍨🍨🍨🍦🍦🍦

7 26

こんにちは!クッキングママです。ママも子供たちもアイスクリームが大好き!!あなたは何のアイスが好き?ママはチョコ、バニラ、キャラメル…う~ん、どれも好きで、選べない…^^; 🍨🍨🍨🍦🍦🍦

2 5

Ringo was up early catching beetles! Some of them are pretty big too! Kids love to catch them!

3 19

With the sun beating down, we managed to put up a tent in the shade of a large tree and have a BBQ!

3 21

Papa and Ringo have made fishing rods from branches at the camp site. It took them a few tries but they've done it!

6 26

Ichigo and Ringo are preparing for Camp. I hope they can fit everything into their rucksacks.

2 29