Literally Democrats today.

They've lost their ever loving minds and are f'n dangerously nuts.

25 102

The Guardian - Martin Kettle writes on the split in the Liberal Democrats and Liberalism at large.

1 1

Dollars for Democrats...

1541 4963

Only thing missing from this cartoon is that half the people under those hoods are Democrats! When it comes to black people in this country both major parties are in FULL agreement and push the same policies.

244 580

You Can Solve Any Problem If You Are Willing To Arrest Enough Billionaires

anti wealth idiots attack celebrity idiots

Defund rich democrats

Defund Sanders, Moore...

1 6

Do Nothing Democrats? Are you sure?

969 2904

I watched Nanette Burstein’s documentary series on Hillary Rodham Clinton and the sexism she faced throughout her political life was appalling. Even in 2015, people obsessed about her shoes or make-up. Many Democrats couldn’t “bring themselves to vote for her”. Then Trump won!

3 12

Republicans and Democrats trying to pass meaningful legislation in Congress


Republicans and Democrats willingness to use excessive force via the police to quell public dissent

139 873

Republicans and Democrats when it comes to helping struggling people vs Republicans and Democrats when it comes to using state violence to suppress dissent.

246 1496

Moderate liberals and elected Democrats when Trump's crack down on the left starts:

2 14

Democrats are already heeding 's advice. This from a month ago.

0 4

what the actual fuck is wrong with democrats

0 3

"Just wait 'till the Democrats get back in!"

0 6

Simplified: sided with the in their war against the When the Democrats were defeated, fate condemned Trump to stand at the western edge of the Earth and hold up the crisis on his shoulders.

3 3

Viral meme shows expectations for the new year vs sad reality.

3 3

Democrats Pay Illegals To Take American Jobs

The number of foreign criminals in America is comparable to the number of unemployed Americans

1 6

It isn’t a clash.

It is a pro-Beijing councillor who is appointed illegally ran a illegal meeting and had the security guards violently lifted those democrats out of the council.

A pro-Beijing councillor Starry Lee is elected to be the chair.

34 71