NEW THE SILENT DRIPPING DAWN generated with some choice words from myself. 10ED @ 3TEZ each.

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Logan’s reaction, the dripping blood in leu of tears… it’s very understated, but very powerful.

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Finally finished 10 dripping balls for today's shuffle!!

For you who want to participate, just enter discord, there I'll let you know minutes before, we'll let you know the exact time of your region!

There will be 2 dripping balls per wallet!
I hope you there on discord 😍

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Since I missed yesterday's witch prompt due to the tired sleepy, I did a quick and dirty doodle. It could definitely stand do be refined but the idea's okay.

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Hehehe thaaaanks, don't design that many moder clothes but when i do they dripping 😎

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Screens turn coats and tops into projection devices. Birds flying, fish swimming, water dripping and humans kissing on screens. The real and the digitally reproduced:

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알바생 아니고 왕자님 맞음

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Lord have mercy on my feeble body,, I’m dripping all over my screen , I’m melting and sneezing

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Idk yet what to call this, but I'm painting or dripping wax on wooden cutouts. It's so fun!
also my other painting stuff at

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A mysterious tentacle protrudes from your hat.
It is gripping a dripping vial.
Sipping the liquid produces a trip, and soon you begin to smile.
The tip of your tongue transforms to a tail, then an elephant takes form.
With starry eyes and 80s vibes you yearn for even more

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This was the bit which got me, using the blood dripping from his knuckles as a metaphor for his unshed tears.

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MMMMMM 😋, Lil Whip 🍦 Lil Whip 🥶 Lil Whip 🍨, MMMMMM 😋, take your pick 🎯, take a lick 👅, just like this MMMMMM 😋, whip it up 🍧, Lil Whippin in your cup 🥤, MMMMMM 😋, lil whippin 🍦 dripping 💧flavor 🤤that’s what’s up 😎

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