eyyyy hbd to !!! Hope you have a good one, my man!!!

Also say hello to the first (and last) time i draw the dodecahedron

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大竹寛子による個展「多面体 / polyhedron」がWATOWA galleryのプロデュース・ディレクションの下、elephant STUDIOにて9/6日(日)まで開催中。


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[8] Многогранник, [9] Армия
Peter specially designed the window in the Polyhedron for Khan

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大竹寛子による個展「多面体 / polyhedron」がWATOWA galleryのプロデュース・ディレクションの下、elephant STUDIOにて開催中。


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dlaczego gang fajniaków to biedronkowa wersja płyty 100 gecs

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大竹寛子による個展「多面体 / polyhedron」がWATOWA galleryのプロデュース・ディレクションの下、elephant STUDIOにて9/6日(日)まで開催中。


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oh oh, je viens juste de faire un curieux rapprochement, ça ressemble fortement aux hedrons sur le plan de Zendikar dans MTG :) (petit rappel : les herons servaient de prison aux Eldrazis)

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Polyhedron. Basketball Players Being Transformed into Angels (Assembling a Hologram - the Central Element), 1972

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Walter Murch (American, 1907-1967), Study for ‘Octahedron’, c.1955. Mixed media on canvasboard, 50 x 38.7 cm. https://t.co/ZJlSz97VHe

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So humans are the only ones who represent the star tetrahedron.... But that's a bit funny, we just so happen to have (what looks to be) a regular human, don't we?

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Another decorated Goldberg polyhedron. How many surfaces this time and what's their topology?

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secret pathologic ending where you press a button and three days later the polyhedron just blasts off into space

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h. hej tutaj Beep/Beepo, ta nieoryginalna niebinarna lesbijka ze śmietnika zza biedronki, która tylko rebloguje innych
lubię rysować zwierzątka, czasami ludzi (i ludziopodobne zwierzątka!) i tak w sumie to nie wiem co jeszcze mogłabym dodać 🤠 i wanna be a cowboy

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EL EnegaroCLOWN !!
Le quinzième d'une série de dessin qui a pour consept de reprendre les personnages de mes amis et de les rendre un peut plus...
Clownesque !
(Plus que deux clowns ! Vous survivez ?)
Ici l'original characters de enegarfakedrong (sur Instagram) !

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New avatar, who dat.
A little spin on classic DnD mimic, I've chose to no longer be a simple chest and become the greatest of all shapes, icosahedron.

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E ninguém agora vai me amedrontar 🎤

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