There's a short list of cinematic masterpieces...

Citizen Kane... The Godfather... Casablanca... FATAL FURY!

Join us as we watch the pinnacle of the anime art form today at 4 PM in a special YouTube Premiere and Live Chat with !


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A new 5-star machine gun joins our ranks! Kord will be available as a limited drop in the upcoming Shattered Connexion event! She has two firing modes: Pierce and Assault. Pick carefully! Don't bother her with menial requests, or you'll find yourself inciting her bottled-up fury!

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Happy 67th Birthday to , he wrote a comic story first published in Follow him also on Facebook May he have a good one.

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Submitting my blood elf, Celysiel Ashfury! She has snow-white pale skin, snow-white long, wavy hair and green eyes. The intricacies of her design can be found in the art.
Good luck to all and thank you for the opportunity!
Art by Medusa_149, AvannTeth and SoftlyVoiced

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Absolutely beautiful, I love your brush strokes so much!
Here's my WoW blood elf, Celysiel Ashfury!
Art by Katorius, DenaHelmi, AvannTeth, Medusa_149

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In case you missed it, Pi and Pea’s Adventures, my pokemon nizlocke comic, has moved to ComicFury! Still in the process of uploading everything, but here’s the link!

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Full speed on finishing the scricpt for the History of Fatal Fury! GET SERIOUS!!!

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Here’s a rather unique idea! How about Shantae dressed as Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison from ION FURY! I don’t think you’ve gotten that kind of request before have you?

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Rocket Gal and the Mole Men of Mars

PUNO - Gustaffo Vargas

& Maria Sanapo Bring Back Miss Fury!

UltraMax - Doug Wood

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Painted the awesome 's Fury! It was fun channeling my inner edginess for this guy

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Announcing The Carroda Pass Chapter 2: Sound and Fury! I'll be releasing all 110 pages as I make them in a near-daily schedule (planning on giving myself a once-a-week break). I'm really excited to bring you this, and I hope you all enjoy it!

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Seongjoong as toothless and the lightfury! This is SUPERRRR old my art doesn't even look like this anymore

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I have decided to Double-host!
Webtoons and Comic fury!

I will be uploading them here aswell but you can get one of these links to read the whole thing non-stop!

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An angry River Spirit (use the Leviathan stat block) has caused a local river to expand and flood a nearby village. The party is called to help appease the spirit, as it is out of control. You must find a way to quell the Spirit’s fury!

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Terry faces the fury!

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Bladed Fury! A Game inspired by the works of Vanillaware and George Kamitani! This is gonna be gorgeous looking! More Doki Doki Lit' After!

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