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【 Compass of the Heart 】(1/3)


霧丘ゆり [Yuri Kirioka]

121 1296

Please please don't say sorry!!!! It's enough! thanks soooooo much! It wouldn't have been as effective without you. Thank you thank you! thank you! from the bottom of my heart!

1 6

Heart-Throbbing Koishi

439 2708

Hands heart 🫶をする 器用なアルフィノも不器用なアリゼーも最高にかわいい とおもっているウリと自機

237 1045

Art Feature: Shadowheart, by !

Digital highres image (join $10 tier or above, part of a bundle with NSFW content): https://t.co/NmCrCTIFRO

4 37

🎵Let my heart bravely spread the wings
Soaring past the night
To chase the primal light
Let the clouds heal me of the stains Gently wipe these sorrows of my life
I dreamed🎵

227 1489

Meanwhile, this "don't know who each other are" meeting in Outlaw Star is one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in anime...

0 25

Commissioned to draw God’s favorite princess, Shadowheart

378 1954

Art Feature: Shadowheart, by !

Digital highres image (join $5 tier or above, includes all past work, contains NSFW content): https://t.co/nv4xmodL6c

6 61


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💡Shadowheart. One of Arasaka's top agent. Her, being under Arasaka's teachings and guidance has little to none care for her selfish needs--that is until she was disconnected from their mainframe. Tasting the freedom and truth of her past, SH wanted to uncover all of it

74 827

Angel Ayato owns my heart QwQ I need to get a grip and start drawing some males 😩👌

0 23

でもこの雰囲気はまだレックス君には早すぎるのかもしれませんも~( ˘ω˘ )
Pyra and Rex can't stop pounding heart.
But maybe this atmosphere is still too early for Rex.

425 2676

Random facts : His apex fan meeting and Vesper raid wild heart are the same vod.
What a legendary

62 220

Scarlet's Heart ❤️

32 293

Well guys, I present to you WIP number 50283913 called "Wandering Hearts" . It will be finished in 2050 😎👌✨Take a seat 🪑

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