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Quelques vieux dessins de mes ship préférés dans Paladins

Some old drawing of my favorites ship in Paladins

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some talus and jenos doodles
evil mojo... while i'm here, can we get more.. official Redd art

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Paladins Jenos

50 253

(This was done in January) Just wanted to draw mask-off Jenos. I saw his face without mask in-game by glitch for a second before. He was actually pretty though.

9 27

whatever. I'm tired :X

22 94

"Let us sail the skies." with Jenos. Jenos is 30th champion released in Paladins and thank you all for 30+ followers 🎉, you are awesome!!

44 326

(This was done in December) Another Jenos drawing. Just wanted to draw him floating in the universe... By the time Jenos' Celestial Touch talent (increase 10% of initial healing or something) was still existed.
from (game) by Evil Mojo

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Imagined couple (^-^)
PS: Just draw for fun, this story doesn't exist on their lore.

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4. Favorite OC Design

I'm very happy with how the initial concept of Azaya Moria Arma came out when I had her commissioned by . She's kind of a modified variation of Jenosa Arma from Scurge: Hive, whom I have a soft spot for. 1/2

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Dibujos de unos ocs ajenos, sufrí much0 por los detalles de la chica morada y por el furro porque... No soy de dibujar furros (?

13 43