This week's was decided after our last Anime Night! It's Nozomi Kaminashi from

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Her butt's powered by GN Particles!! W-Accelaration = TRANS-AM

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This is the kind of gripping dialogue that keeps me coming back each week. Such pure brilliance

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I was waiting for Keijo to top it's first ep, but I think ep 4 delivered.

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- Alors, ce 4 ?
- Shiri-shiri, l'anime pour les gastronomes en culottes armées !
- Allô, le 17 ?

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Sayaka Miyata from fan art!
First real attempt at digital colouring, happy with how it turned out :)
Feedback is appreciated!

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Yuko Oshima from My aesthetic is ecchi series with surprisingly good characters and writing. I should read the manga of this.

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- Alors, cet épisode 3 de ?
- "Standing-by"... Miyata, HENSHIRI !
- Va mettre ton jambon dans le torchon...

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How did Keijo get away with this

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- Alors, cet épisode 2 ?
- Tétonnant !
- Et ?
- ASSome !
- Mmm, n'oublie pas de faire le plein à la pharmacie demain matin.

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TOKYO MX⇒23:30~

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Sayaka and Nozomi illustrations (Keijo)
yeah just like I'll do Keijo in threes as I need to start on Leyte

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The Final booty, at least for now, Day 10 is Sayaka Miyata, showing some of that Competitive Spirit. Now to think of what to do next.

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Look at that enthusiastic booty. Day 9 is Nozomi Kaminashi, and tomorrow is the last picture of all this goodness... for now...

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- Docteur, j'en suis à mon 5e visionnage
- Prenez des vacances
- Fait
- Prenez vos calmants
- Fait
- Débranchez-vous
- OK

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