On la sent bien cette semaine, on la sent bien !!! (#GIF de

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hello i'm back with more orson krennic feat. trying to get ben mendelsohn's face

and blood. and death star blasts.

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a couple of finished ben mendelsohn stuff i'm into and still not done with this dude & i'm not sorry it just happened™

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i've also started bloodline (yes it's because of ben mendelsohn) and danny rayburn has broken my heart. i'm still sad. will be forever.

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Daily Inspiration: Photography by Hana Mendel


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My old art based on a comic where some classical composers travel to our time.

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Munday and Mendelsund respectively...

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Eran Mendel's brilliant gifs are our top pick for this week's Brilliant work!

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A badass version of character by

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gif via Eran Mendel + : https://t.co/PyYgaikUsp

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Today's Google Doodle honours Dmitri Mendeleev's 182nd birthday, shown with his periodic table of chemical elements

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Mendeléyev era fan de Shakespeare, por cierto...

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gif by artist Eran Mendel via : https://t.co/RyLsSSbeai

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Happy Mendelday to youu (TWODAYSLATERHERETOO)

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