Repost cause I forgot something FRICK

Anyways 2nds entry cause I hate the first one 🤩🤩🤩

hope you like 😎😎😎

0 2

Hello yes would anyone like to d*te and h*ld h*nds, m*n only💜

0 0

What if 🤔 Kille 😈 and Echsel 😇 H*ld H*nds? 😳🤝🤝🤝

8 75

Last call for this round. 4 slots left.

Hand printed face masks. With a filter pocket. First few masks have a slight colour transfers on the back.

Check 2nds for discounted masks!

Stickers with each order

Custom maw masks order:

1 2


69 393

repost because im a dumb bich. again, theyre in love and are h*lding h*nds

0 1

- Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
- Pokémon Black&White (NDS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight
Princess (GC)
- Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)

1 5

While I was looking for my own style, i made this Alice, i really like the result, i was inspired in the nds game and alice madness returns, i think she looks very cool :)

2 5

I wanna h*ld h*nds with
so I did

0 4

上倉 紀行 - 街景 夕闇が包みし海の都 (世界樹の迷宮X Ver.)
[世界樹の迷宮X オリジナル・サウンドトラック]

“신 세계수의 미궁 3”가 나왔더라면 아마 거기 쓰였겠죠? NDS 시리즈 중에서 유일하게 리메이크가 되지 않은 게임이 하필 제일 좋아하는 타이틀이라니....

0 0

Skye for autumn-w1nds (tumblr) //

14 32


『デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ対アバドン王』のデザインに惹かれた

3 12

Septentrion - Devil Survivor 2 Kenji Ito★Atlus Sound Team★Special Soundtrack (2011)
Arranger: Kenichi Tsuchiya ()

Original Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 (2011, NDS)
Original Composer: Kenji Ito ()

39 124

*slides into dms*
Hey know...*does the weird chin rub thing*.....hehe.....h*ld h*nds?

6 33

Post novo no blog! - Por

Inazuma Eleven (NDS): Uma Boa Mistura de Futebol com RPG

2 7

not to be h*rny but im tryna h*ld h*nds w him😔

10 24

not to be h*rny but i’m tryna h*ld h*nds w him 😔

0 0