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anw here's my queen, miranda jules oktavia or mira. she's a top artist under the pseudonym mira jo <3

12 25

Sebenernya mau ikutan that ocbase alice challenge tapi akhirnya gajadi karena mager but ig have the prototype ref Alice!Zell HAHA

2 7

Dadah Marsmellow Isi Cabai, halo sequelnya (^∇^)ノ♪


4 22

Redrawing crying dancesport AU Mai for warm-up! Still kinda digging the older one (on the right) but honestly I think the newer one is more crispy sksks

1 9

Quick sketch for ocsbase event💕

ft my OC Lucian as rabbit 👀

10 35

Elvany in wonderland✨

"Huh? why suddenly there's a rabbit here...?"

18 67

*moga belum telat(╥﹏╥)*
Hirana cosplay as Alice!
Ikutan event [OC×Alice In Wonderland] nya , siapa tau dpt fb, mwehe

1 7

"Katanya gak bakal kangen ditinggal business trip seminggu, tapi pulang malah nempel begini. xixixi senengnya." - Adimas

2 6

Hueee krn aku tau gabakal selesai om time jd coloring ala kadarnya 🥹. Gapapa sih tetep suka hwhehheh liat anak2ku mau tea party 😩❤️❤️

7 28

Event ocbase ngingetin dulu pernah gambar Dana as Mad Hatter 🎩🃏 gambar 2014 kyaaak thanks for reminding me of my boy 😳

4 18

Sei tried to dress in Alice in Wonderland theme bcs his friend asked him to when they're going to theme park!

12 41

ari as alice.. arice... (she is holding a comically large fork)

8 32

Deo and Baron [AU]
In another universe. Deo was an ordinary kid, until he met Baron, a curious lonely spirit. Both quickly become friend and ended up having an inner bond. Deo left Baron when he's (Deo) 4yo. In Deo's early 20s both randomly reunited.

11 41

"I want to meet Alice."
[ Danielle as Jabberwocky ]

8 47