How many bunnies do u need? Well tons of them make a nice room, like this one: "Agniet's Konnijnen Chill" owned by: .:agniet:.

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4x Holland Casino (Casino's on Habbo NL) because u could find them on any hotel, not only on Habbo USA ;-)

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A public swimmingpool with a control room! haven't seen those before. Yes there was a time Water Patches didn't existed and blue floor rugs was our water :-) "The Public Pool ~Swim~" owned by: AltoClarinet

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Ever seen so many holoboys in 1 room? Thats alot! "[Holopool]" owned by: -=0mega=-

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nice grungy chill room. Cool idea to use an Executive Carpet as a 'stage' haven't seen that before! "Ready, Set, GO it's Time to Run" owned by: JamesieWamesie

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Some rooms don't have to be extremely build, that proves this Habbo ;-)! "my livingroom.." owned by: f!f!

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Big habbo mansions! who doesn't love them?! A pretty nice preserved room for someone who hasn't been online for 14 years! "[Z] M§IòN" owned by: Zizou1236

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The Trax Machine, who doesn't miss mixing their own music? :-) "[T]raX [M]arT™" owned by: Tyleax

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The rise and fall of Furni mazes! just found one with a nice entrance, but too bad the second room doesn't work anymore.. "[G] Ghost Maze [Tripping]" owned by: GhostBox

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Chill rooms come in many forms, from small to big and from packed with rares, to just simple norm furniture with here and there a rare, Like this one! "The bobba." owned by: .::Raptor::.

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Oldskool modelling rooms, who became Habbo's Nr 1 top model? "Ugly Models & Star Models" owned by: mallowsc$

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"Bensalem" cool for making underwater rooms and aquariums, but this user is taking it to the next level and making parks and dining areas from it! "bensalem part 1 & 2" owned by: Cyndy6

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For the most creepiest Habboween (or outside Habboween) game there was offcourse.. Saw! Too bad this 'Coming Soon!' never happened, since he hasn't been online for 12 years.. "Saw V ... Coming Soon!" owned by: R

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Fridge game! Still a very popular game that's being played inside Habbo! The rules were simple, Don't get a carrot from the fridge or you will be kicked. Our still host this game on the regular!

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I was gonna do "4x Hallways" untill i stumbled upon this beauty!! But how beautiful the Hallway was, it didn't lead to any beautiful rooms sadly.. Although he has some amazing rooms! "Hallway 1" owned by: simon305

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4x "Norm Casinos" because, who needed Dicemasters back in the day, when you can build em with Holodices?

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Game Rooms, big or small, you can find them around the hotel You can win some, you can lose some, but it's always fun to play a game with others! "Battle Dice" owned by: Squibbelz$

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The only Comedy Poster thats left inside the Hotel. Let's hope it survives the update! "100%" owned by: PatrickPacard Read more about it on our wiki 👇

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I already shared some Casino's but did you know they used to have Dealer Entrances? This was before wired was introduced, "Dealers" had to pay for rights in these rooms. Some were just teles with doors, others were beautiful decorated, like this one..

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Haven't shared a Help Desk before. Help desks were also pretty common back in the days, just like Trade Rooms, Casino's and Agencies. Time flies folks... "[MH] Magic Help [MH]" owned by: MagicSuit

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