
6 44

They shot her in the head.
For nothing other than spite.
Now she lies in bed, unconscious, ruined.
They can’t give her back her sight. They can’t snuff our anger with might.
We do not forgive, we do not forget.
Debt must be settled.

87 307

A young first-aider has been blinded in her right eye by a police rubber bullet during the 8/11 has become a routine and HKSAR gov continues to refuse the set up of an independent enquiry thus far.

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79 234



2 3

Stephon Clark, 22, unarmed and murdered by police in his own backyard. Funny how police always seem to confuse phones and Skittles for guns when confronting people of color.

77 126

and the teargassing of children

40 19

Woop Woop that the sound of da police!

4 3

Perhaps bosses need to rethink their continued stay in office. cartoon for

85 35

Alright, alright, I'll watch the damn show.

0 2

Friendly Officers and the Administration of Discipline.

0 2