This is real situation happened last night ☹️
We should never accept and forget any forms of
And how they ruined our judicial system.

927 Chater Garden


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Sad, but it is true and happening in Hong Kong 😭

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Say no to arresting young even children under 14. Under Hong Kong law, children are defined as being under 14 years of age

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arrest our children, rather than protect them, they shatter our trust in good governance

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Today, the police arrested a large number of first-aiders, insulted and tied the hands of first-aiders.
This has been a serious violation of international humanitarian law.

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In Hong Kong, it's called "minimum force necessary"

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HK Raptors squad arrested a man and said “don’t resist” while the man wasn’t moving at all😡. A Raptor also yelled at a female passerby; made her 😭.

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This is not the end. We have not win yet. Please stand with Hong Kong.

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