Listening to again and a little freaked out by the similarities between Stilson and our current

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Daily - Day
Here’s a cartoony tribute to for his 286th birthday. Had the idea to draw a playing card featuring the 1st & so here it is. Let’s cheer on the ideals of equality, liberty, & freedom.

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Amazing that all the women who accused you of unwanted advances have very similar stories that all back up YOUR OWN STATEMENTS CAUGHT ON TAPE about your own behavior and how you actually treat women? Funny huh? You're Disingenuous shit for brains douche bag!

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The whole of the should be shown this penetrating analysis from . As Turgenev said "The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book."(That's the Russian connection)

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1¾" diameter Theodore Roosevelt “Equality” button sold for $8125 at . Theodore Roosevelt had invited Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House

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The real State of the Union - in today's

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is embarrassing himself & this country everyday he remains in the as our He is Bigoted & Ignorant as he attempts to show America "his genius" but has done the opposite, confirming what we all know & see getting worse EVERYDAY.

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Hyperion doesn't like what Other-World's POTUS has to say. By Englehart, Pérez, and Greinger, 1976.

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I'll believe in America when we actually elect a real president. These are the words that will be written in history about . The American people see exactly who this phony pile of shit really is. MILLER MAKES A FOOL OF HIMSELF.

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