More Hive Academy students. We have Stephanie, the sexy student. Zseda, the third member of the popular girls. Rino the nerd and robotics club president. And his boyfriend Trorod, or Rod, the dumb jock.

14 121

Hi , We need a political visionary for President. is where spirituality meets politics, which is right up your alley. Please consider interviewing . Thanks so much.

4 7

Dramatic class president... you mean dia?

0 0

The is now law. It has been signed by the President.

While lawyers take this battle to court, we must put pressure on State Governments to ensure they don't implement it. Because the district administration comes under their purview.

The fight does not end here.

14 13


Nothing but respect for my ninja president. 🙏

3 15

Happy birthday to this future president.

11 94

Phoney Bone sounds a lot like our current president.

0 4

Just recorded an episode with about the legacy of Che Guevara and the impended fall of Argentina's neoliberal catboy President. Out Friday for Patrons!

2 62

Yes, how dare we use the outlined methods in our system of government to remove a lawbreaking president and actually remove a lawbreaking president.

Taibbi is an imbecile.

51 164

Haven't really continued my for Isogi but here have this. Isogi for President. Make it happen

1 5

My cousins and I made a top secret club. Everyone fought to be president. So somebody suggested that we could ALL be president. My tyrannical 7yo brain could not fathom such a concept. So I destroyed all the club documents and reigned supreme over the jungle gym. I was a god.

0 5

My cousins and I made a top secret club. Everyone fought to be president. So somebody suggested that we could ALL be president. My tyrannical 7yo brain could not fathom such a concept. So I destroyed all the club documents and reigned supreme over the jungle gym. I was a god.

0 3

First we made Tony Soprano a sympathetic character. Then we elected him president. Now Adriana must pay the price for being a whistleblower. w/ & --

23 30

Unless somebody gets it as bad as poor old Giles Corey, no, this ain’t true, Mr. President.

24 167

[Sep. 27, 1964] The report of the Warren Commission is finally out. The conclusion? Oswald acted alone, got three shots off, wounding Governor Connally and killing our President.

Hard to believe a year has passed since we covered that terrible day:

2 1

Le chef de l'Etat & son Premier ministre continuent de grimper dans les sondages.43 % d'opinions favorables,le Comite de Nogent la Rem soutien son President.L'été ne les aura pas fait flancher.Les cotes de confiance du President(+2) & d'Edouard Philippe(+1)poursuivent leur hausse

2 10


name:Chago jabalí(habari)

He is tropico president.

ram is His favorite drink.

he also like cigar.

The feature is big stomach and belly button.

4 12

The School Delinquent has a crush on the Student President. Actually, it's also the other way around. And they don't know 😤

21 39

IN 10 MIN: GET DOWN. IT’S MR. PRESIDENT. Diving back into for some Squad Fills! SEE YA’LL IN 10 MIN.

AMAZING art courtesy of 🎨 :

1 11

First Lady Jackie Kennedy painted “The White House Long Ago” for the president. He hung it in the Oval Office.

12 47